預告: 耶路撒冷禱告城墙家聚 Forecast: 24/7Jerusalem Prayer Wall Family Gathering

  • 分享家人Speaker(s) : Danielle Mor from Jewish Agency
  • 分享內容 Content of Sharing: 以色列的重建和犹太人的回归 Rebuild of Israel and Aliyah of Jews
  • 日期 Date: 8月3日(週六) 2024/8/3 (Saturday)
  • 時間 Time: 溫哥華時間 清晨五點 5am PST
  • 如何參加 How to Join:Zoom 🆔:87850706949 密码Passcode:133

鼓勵家人們邀請朋友參加!! We encourage family to invite your friends to join us!!!

家聚影音存檔  Archive of Family Gathering Recordings

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以色列時事 Current Events about Israel

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本週禱告重點 Prayer Points of the Week

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