預告: 耶路撒冷禱告城墙家聚 Forecast: 24/7Jerusalem Prayer Wall Family Gathering

  • 分享家人Speaker(s) : family from Lebanon
  • 分享內容 Content of Sharing: 我們在黎巴嫩🇱🇧的家人会在我们当中分享!在戰爭的前沿,在震動中如何同時面對生活的變遷和復興的來到? 請大家邀請守望者們一起上線! 請大家把握當下機會,及時通知家人們上來。❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥  Our family in Lebanon 🇱🇧 will share among us! On the front lines of war, how do you face the changes of life and the coming of restoration at the same time in the midst of the shocks? Please invite the Watchmen to join you on the line! Please take advantage of this opportunity and let  families know about the sharing. ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥
  • 日期 Date: 10月19日(週六) 2024/10/19 (Saturday)
  • 時間 Time: 溫哥華時間 清晨五點 5am PST
  • 如何參加 How to Join:Zoom 🆔:87850706949 密码Passcode:133

鼓勵家人們邀請朋友參加!! We encourage family to invite your friends to join us!!!

家聚影音存檔  Archive of Family Gathering Recordings

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