家聚音頻存檔Family Gathering Recordings


日期 Date 主講者 Speaker 音頻 Recording 相關資料 Comment
20250201 Middle East Missionary Family中东宣教家人 本周邀请了其他几位在中东服侍的家人分享,是以赛亚书19大道神作为的续篇!Several other family members serving in the Middle East were invited to share this week, a sequel to God’s works – Isaiah’s Highway 19!
20250125 核心家人 中國新年是神給我們華人的又一個新開始的機會! 2025是神掌權的一年,從明天開始,在247家聚中我們可以一起尋求、分享神對2025年的心意!Chinese New Year is another opportunity for us Chinese to make a new start! 2025 is the year of God’s reign, and starting tomorrow, at the 247 Family Gathering, we can seek and share God’s heart for 2025 together!
20250118 Derek and the Chinese Team in Jordan 上周Derek弟兄在我们当中分享让大家非常的感动! 其实他是和四个家庭同行,他们经历了诗133主所命定的福! 我们特别邀请他们一起分享如何活在爱和合一💖,如何经历过程中的挣扎和得胜🔥!这是上周的续篇,不容错过哦!
Last week we were very moved by Brother Derek’s sharing! He actually traveled with four families who experienced together the Psalm 133 blessings predestined by the Lord! We especially invited them to share together how to live in love and unity 💖 and how to go through the struggles and victories during the process🔥! This is a sequel to last week’s post, and it’s not to be missed!
20250111 Derek 我们邀约到在约旦服事多年的华人家人来分享!在收割的季节主要更深的感动和扩张我们的❤!
We invited Chinese family members who have been serving in Jordan for many years to share! The Lord wants to move and expand us more deeply in the harvest season ❤!
20250104 Leadership Team 2025首次家聚,让我们再次献上自己在耶路撒冷城墙与主同心守望!❤🙏
For our first family gathering in 2025, let’s offer ourselves once again to keep watch with the Lord in one heart at the walls of Jerusalem! ❤🙏
20241228 Leadership Team 這是2024最后一次 家聚,让我们更深的同心尋求主的心意,并更深感恩主的作为!❤🙏
This is the last Family Gathering of 2024, so let us seek the Lord’s heart more deeply and be more thankful for what He has done! ❤🙏
20241214 Lydia & Team 我们當中的前线家人Lydia和团队会分享,让我们更多珍惜和拥有一起守247的各地家人!

Lydia, one of our frontline family members, and the team will share, so that we can cherish and have more family members from all over the world who are guarding 247 together!

20241207 Mama Eagle 鹰妈釋放重要的信息:为主预备道路🔥
Eagle Mom Releases Important Message: Prepare the Way of the Lord🔥
20241130 Malaysian MY Gathering Video 現在我們一起在命定晨光線上回看馬來西亞🇲🇾聚集,在靈裏參與,守望最後一天!🙏🙏
Eagle Mom Releases Important Message: Prepare the Way of the Lord🔥Now we join together to watch the Malaysian 🇲🇾 Gathering, to participate in the Spirit, and to watch till the last day !
20241123 Devorah Mizrachi 本周六一位非常卓越的以色列青年人Devorah Mizrachi会在我们当中分享她的心声和感人见证。他与父亲Avi牧师一起服事,带着两个小孩子在国家最艰难的时候勇敢生活,我们10月在特拉维夫祷告殿听她分享时深深被触动!请不要错过,并带着爱和祷告来鼓励她!
This Saturday Devorah Mizrachi will share her heart & experiences in this most difficult time in Israel with us. She is a very gifted & pure hearted young mother of two children who serves with her father Pastor Avi. Her words & testimony deeply touched & impacted us when we heard her in their Tel Aviv prayer tower in Oct. Don’t miss this Saturday & bring your love & prayers to encourage her!
20241116 Ms. Danielle Mor 一位特別的猶太嘉賓Danielle Mor女士來我們中間分享! 她代表世界上最大之一的猶太國際組織(The Jewish Agency),目前在幫忙重建以色列和幫助以色列人回歸。 1948年以前他們是負責以色列復國的執行機構,擔任以色列臨時政府的角色,今天他們仍是有以色列官方背景的國際機構。記得周六是247城牆的「家聚」~ 讓我們一起給猶太的家人一個愛的家,在我們中間感受到耶穌的美善和愛,並為Danielle和她的團隊禱告,早日認識他們的救主耶穌!
A special Jewish guest, Ms. Danielle Mor, came to share among us! She represents The Jewish Agency, one of the largest Jewish organizations in the world, currently helping to rebuild Israel and help Israelis return. Prior to 1948 they were the executive agency responsible for the restoration of Israel, acting as the interim government of Israel, and today they are still an international organization with an official Israeli background. Remember Saturday is the 247 Walls “Family Gathering” ~ Let’s all give our Jewish families a loving home, feel the goodness and love of Jesus in our midst, and pray for Danielle and her team to come to know their Savior Jesus soon!
20241109 Core team
20241102 Agnes牧師和台灣原住民牧師秀妹 謝謝大家為Lynda Prince大酋長和Agnes牧師以及整個去以色列🇮🇱團隊的禱告!Agnes牧師和台灣原住民牧師秀妹會在線上跟我們分享他們在耶路撒冷的最新情況!
Thank you for your prayers for Grand Chief Lynda Prince and Rev. Agnes and the entire Going to Israel 🇮🇱 team! Rev. Agnes and Taiwan Native Pastor Xiu-Mei will be sharing updates with us online about their time in Jerusalem!
20241026 Servant Team 重要通知:10月28日是247耶路撒冷祷告城墙建立一周年的日子! 在周六10/26家聚中,请仆人团队的领袖家人们和大家分享、祝福、共勉!一起向神献上感谢! 另外特邀在我们中间同行多年的从中国开封回归以色列的犹太家人张岚姐妹分享她的心路历程! ♥
IMPORTANT NOTICE: October 28th marks the one year anniversary of the founding of the 247 Jerusalem Wall of Prayer! At the Saturday 10/26 Family Gathering, the Servant Team Leader Families are invited to share, bless, and encourage each other! Give thanks to God together! Also invited is Sister Lan Zhang, a Jewish family member who has traveled among us for many years and returned to Israel from Kaifeng, China, to share her journey! ♥
20241019 family from Lebano 我們在黎巴嫩🇱🇧的家人会在我们当中分享!在戰爭的前沿,在震動中如何同時面對生活的變遷和復興的來到? 請大家邀請守望者們一起上線! 請大家把握當下機會,及時通知家人們上來。❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥

One previous family from Lebanon happens to have a chance to share with us tomorrow at our 247 JPW family gathering! Please take this precious opportunity to stand with Lebanon. You will be deeply encouraged by hearing their heart, faith and testimonies!

20241012 Translation Team 我们第一个小时敬拜祷告, 为以色列, 也为将在DC百万以斯帖的10个小时聚会祷告。 6点 PT 之后于DC实况连接。

Our first hour of worship and prayer for Israel, and for the 10 hour meeting in DC with Million Esther. Connect live in DC after 6pm PT.

20241005 Rania 拿撒勒祷告殿的负责人Rania会在我们当中分享🌹Rania from Nazareth House of Prayer will be with us!❤

Rania from Nazareth House of Prayer will be sharing amongst us 🌹 Rania from Nazareth House of Prayer will be with us!!!❤

20240928 Agnes Agnes分享

Agnes’ Sharing

20240921 JoyLynn JoyLynn and Agnes 分享

JoyLynn and Agnes’ Sharing

20240914 Jacky Jacky牧师分享主题:末日两场争战与两场复兴💥

Topic of Pastor Jacky Shares:Two End Times Battles and Two Revivals 💥

20240907 Agnes Agnes分享过去守247的一些领受,感动和见证,并邀请家人们预备明天或以后分享❤

Agnes shares some of her past experiences and testimonies of keeping 247, and invites her family to share them tomorrow or later ❤

20240831 加东的247家人 加东的247家人Vivian和曾牧师师母分享❤

Vivian, a 247 family member from East Coast of Canada, shared with Rev. and Mrs. Tsang ❤

20240824 鹰妈 鹰妈继续分享赛19三国一律👍

Eagle Mom continues to share Isaiah 19 Three Nations in one accord 👍

20240817 鹰妈 鹰妈中东异象分享

Eagle Mom’s Middle East Vision Sharing

20240810 Jacky 本周Jacky 牧师分享再分组祷告❤

This week, Pastor Jacky shares first and then enter into breakout room to pray ❤

20240803 Danielle Mor 本周一个有以色列官方背景的犹太机构的代表Danielle Mor会分享。Danielle from Jewish Agency in Israel will share with us.

This week Danielle Mor, a representative from the Jewish Institution in Israel, will share with us.
from the Jewish Agency in Israel will share with us.

20240727 Rachel Rachel牧师分享代祷者的生命

Pastor Rachel will share on the intercessor’s life🌹❤

20240720 爱住千家的家人 爱住千家的家人分享🌹

Love in Family Sharing

20240713 -Jacky 本周我们请Esther带敬拜, Jacky . 牧师分享。然后我们会分小组分享和彼此更深认识一This Saturday we will hear from the share from Pastor Jacky and fellowship with each other in small groups. ❤
20240706 两代同行的华人团队 本周我们来认识我们247城墙在美国的一个两代同行的华人团队!

This Saturday we will hear from Esther Zhang and her team from Kansas City!❤

20240629 Rick Ridings 本周相聚让我们聆听和回应耶路撒冷祷告殿Rick Ridings最近在锡安教会的一部分分享!

This Saturday let us listen and respond to Rick Riding’s recent sharing in Zion!💖🇮🇱

20240622 247JPW家人 Intercessor Fellowship 本周相聚让我们更多认识和彼此相交和拥有!

Let us share hearts and connect deeper with each other this Saturday!💖🇮🇱

20240615 Avi Mizrachi 本周在以色列的犹太牧者Avi Mizrachi会跟我们分享他的心和一个感人的家族故事

Pastor Avi Mizrachi will share his heart and a powerful testimony with us this Saturday!💖🇮🇱

20240608 -Ken from Israel 我们邀请一位敬拜者和在以色列做义工的弟兄Ken来带敬拜和分享心!

Tomorrow we have a precious worshipper and brother Ken who also volunteered in Israel recently to lead worship and share his heart.

20240601 247JPW家人 原住民祝福以色列的聚集非常荣耀,我们去的家人会分享掳物!❤

We will share some spoils from the First Nations Summit (for lsrael)!🇮🇱

20240525 247JPW家人 -Pray for Muckleshoot meeting
20240518 Pentcost Special 周日5.19是五旬节圣灵降临日,让我们存极大的盼望和信心进入神行大事的季节。周六家人相聚就有美事发生!❤

As we gather as family to share and pray, we expect great things to happen this Pentecost season!❤

20240511 Rania Sayegh 本周我们在拿撒勒禱告殿的朋友Rania Sayegh回和我們分享,她會分享在以色列前方的近況,和在五旬節前夕的重要領受❤‍🔥
This Saturday, our friend Rania Sayegh will share with us the urgency of this our in Israel, and how we can join her in the spirit in the season of Pentecost. She leads house of prayer in Nazareth (HOPE) .
20240504 Melodie Greyeyes 本周我们邀请了加拿大原住民Melodie Greyeyes跟我们分享,她是服侍犹太人的CMJ事工的领袖💖
This Saturday First Nations leader, Melodie Greyeyes,will share with us. She leads a ministry to the Jewish people, CMJ Canada.🇮🇱👍
20240427 Marty Shoub 本周还在逾越节期中,我们邀请了犹太牧者Marty Shoub跟我们分享‍💖👍Marty Shoub是彌賽亞信徒的猶太教師,他在以色列的「憐憫帳篷」(tent of Mercy)工作了八年。 2013年,上帝呼召Marty和他的妻子Sue回到加拿大,專注於他的事工,幫助在列國的彌賽亞肢體進入神對以色列和猶太人的呼召。Marty是加拿大Tikkun Ministries的領袖,也是溫哥華彌賽亞猶太會堂Kehilat Tsion的共同領袖,同時也是加拿大研究所的學術顧問和回歸事工部的主任。Marty寫了三本書:《首先是猶太人: 一個新人的形成》,《我已立了我的王》和《歸向我》。Marty和Sue結婚40多年,他們目前住在溫哥華地區,更靠近他們三個孩子和四個孫子。
This Saturday Marty Shoub, a Jewish ministry leader with Tikkun Global and Return Ministries will share his heart with us.🇮🇱👍
20240420 國內家人 國內家人守耶和华节期的奇妙见证! Testimonies from aligning to the Feasts of the Lord!
20240413 陈秀妹牧师 台湾原住民家人陈秀妹牧师分享 Indigenous Pastor Heather’s Sharing from Taiwan
20240406 Mabel & Team 本周Mabel带领的香港团队会分享。
This week our family from Hong Kong will share hearts with us.
20240330 247JPW家人 在复活节释放合一祷告的力量,和分享主的心意!
20240323 -Esther Linda & Team 北美家人Esther Linda介绍团队和分享。之后我们作集体的以斯帖在普尔节释放我们的声音! Esther Linda to introduce her team and share. Then we will release our voice as a corporate Esther on Purim!
20240316 Amir Lati 驻香港澳门的以色列总领事Amir Lati会跟我们有些分享。让我们预备心聆听,尊荣和祝福以色列的总领事!Amir was the first Israeli student to study Chinese at a university in Beijing decades ago. He has been working tirelessly to fight anti-semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media/public in HK and Macau since October 7, 2023. He is a very talented diplomat and has been stationed in Chengdu and Shanghai.

以色列驻华大使馆公众号提供一些正确以色列消息,值得关注这微信公众号 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kO5YO7dsulrY8PmA2bxGfw

20240309 Henry牧師 在我們禁食禱告、自潔期間,神特別差遣禁食禱告將領Henry牧師(烏干達裔、現在慕主先鋒教會服事),自己有感動來到我們當中! 他常常藉著帶領大家集體禁食禱告帶下個人靈裡和區域性的突破。
20240302 Moses, Iris & Hongkong team 香港家人Moses和 lris分享!他们是一對很愛以色列的夫婦,是以色列Asher牧师带领的Tikkun Global事工的华人代表。
20240224 Gioliou牧師 溫哥華本城的猶太籍牧師Gioliou牧師會分享!他對以色列的禱告極有擔和啟示 Pastor Gioliou is going to share with us on 2/24 tomorrow! Welcome all to join and impact by his passion and love for Israel!
20240217 Hans和Jhan Hans和Jhan兄弟牧者的见证,Hans一家的见证,非常感人,爱和家的恩膏,正是我们在以色列城墙上要释放的
20240203 East Coast Family 年轻人Jesse 和 Jonathan 分享,包括在守城墙时主给的新歌;几位温哥华家人分享线下集体为以色列祷告的领受 Jesse & Jonathan’s sharing including new songs received from the Lord while watching on the prayer wall; Several family from Vancouver share what they received during a in-person prayer meeting for Israel
20240127 加拿大原住民Melodie Greyeyes 加拿大原住民Melodie Greyeyes 从以色列分享,包括有关原住民大使馆将在耶路撒冷开幕 Canadian First People, Melodie Greyeyes shared about the grand opening of Jerusalem Indigenous Embassy
20240120 East Coast Family 美国东岸家人分享 ,呈现合一相爱同负使命的家 Sharing from East Coast Family,a family unified in love with a mission
20240113 伊布 YiBu 台湾原住民伊布和团队分享 Sharing of First People, YiBu,from Taiwan
20240106 247JPW家人 20240106-Our response to Steve’s sharing & breakout rooms
20231230 Steve Carpenter Steve Carpenter 从以色列分享个人和家的感人见证,和为以色列祷告的方向;Steve Carpenter Shares Father Heart
以色列犹太人在危难中寻求主!有感动支持Steve一家在以色列的服侍可网上奉獻: www.highway19.org
奉献以色列事工: www.firmisrael.org
20231216 247JPW Staff 溫哥華命定晨光的幾位國語代禱家人分享 247 JPW intercessors & admin helpers share
20231209 錫安代禱團隊Zion Prayer Team Zion Prayer team leads & shares
20231202 Rachel Pastor Rachel(Colorado) & team -Brother Anoop-Katya
20231125 JoyLynn & 翟辛蒂Cindy Jacob JoyLynn分享亞美尼亞之行+翟辛蒂對華人的鼓勵AJoyLynn-Amenia-Cindy Jacob
20231118 Jackie 韓國華人牧師Jackie與團隊分享 Pastor Jackie from Korea and team
20231111 JoyLynn 1111與神對齊(?) 1111-Align with God
20231104 Rania Rania呼召華人247為耶路撒冷守望 Rania call Chinese to watch for Jerusalem 24/7