以哈戰爭中的神跡 Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War

No. 中文 English
14 加薩地道的神蹟 – 免遭哈瑪斯伏擊 God’s Divine Providence Saves Platoon of IDF Soldiers From Hamas Ambush Attack
13 「出乎意料的神蹟 」神一直都在! “Unexpected Miracles” God is always there!
12 感恩的神奇大能 – 為凡事謝恩 The Miraculous Power of Gratitude – Thanking God Under All Circumstances
11 靜默的神蹟  Silent Miracles
10 黑暗中的光 – 薩皮爾-科恩(Sapir Cohen)的神奇故事 Light in the Darkness – The Miraculous Story of Sapir Cohen
9 上帝的保護傘 God’s Umbrella of Protection
8 上帝之手拯救以色列士兵的鮪魚故事 The Tuna story of the Israeli Soldiers Saved by the Hand of God
7 揭開奇蹟的面紗 Miracles Unveiled
6 拯救整營以色列士兵的白鴿 & 防彈的信心 The White Dove that Saved an Entire Battalion of Israeli Soldiers & Bulletproof Faith
5 加薩主日學 – 𝟴𝟳𝟭+𝟴「五大聖誕神蹟」 Gaza Sunday School – 𝟴𝟳𝟭+𝟴 “Five
4 與上帝的盟約 Covenant with God
3 戰爭下的加薩現嬰兒受洗潮 A Wave of Baby Baptisms Occurred in Gaza During the War
2 36名以色列士兵奇蹟生還 36 Israeli Soldiers Miraculously Survived
1 隧道口的救命猶太拉比(天使) The Life-Saving Rabbi (angel) at The Tunnel Entrance

編輯組特區: 以哈戰爭中的神跡(十四) – 加薩地道的神蹟-免遭哈瑪斯伏擊 

日期:2024年2月8日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

在緊張而危險的局勢中心,拉比伊茲查克.薩卡依(Rabbi Yitzchak Sakhai)講述了在加沙地下陰暗深處發生的一個觸目驚心的事件。隨著緊張局勢的升級,一群以色列國防軍士兵無意中發現自己正盤踞在一個錯綜複雜的地道網絡之上,哈瑪斯隨時準備發動一場潛在的毀滅性襲擊。






編輯組特區: 以哈戰爭中的神跡(十三) – 「出乎意料的神蹟 」神一直都在!

日期:2024年1月14日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

我在想,對於一個猶太人來說,需要什麼才能讓一個人偶爾意識到上帝在拍他的肩膀,告訴他,「 嘿,我就在這裡。」


他坐上車,直駛開往南方。隨身攜帶著他唯一的武器,他的個人武器是兩把手槍和一些彈藥。他和他的朋友被圍困在牆後。最後,他們彈盡糧絕,他們已經沒有彈藥了。數百名槍手向他們開槍,向他們投擲手榴彈,並向他們發射火箭彈。用他自己說的話,「我覺得這是我們生命的最後關頭,我們根本沒有機會從藏身處出來,去找尋地上的槍支,我不得不重其他屍體上拿取槍枝。 」他們被困在那裡。他說,他的朋友轉過身來對他說,「聽著,如果我們能活著出去,我會好好遵守安息日。 」


現在最瘋狂的部分來了。他説,我自己不守安息日,我也不遵守律法,但我相信上帝。但我的朋友,這個人呢,用他自己的話說,他甚至在贖罪日( 禁食日)時烤肉。他與宗教或上帝是完全無關係的。但這位朋友轉過身來對他說,「我要開始遵守安息日。 」令人感到非常震驚,但在他說完這句話的幾秒之後,我們注意到槍手的聲音越來越遠,直到他們奇蹟般地完全離開他們。他們當時還在槍戰中,而卻就這樣離開了。

他說已經過了幾星期了,他的朋友仍持守安息日,儘管這對他來說是相當地困難。而他自己和他的家人也開始遵守安息日。 他摘下帽子說,「看,我不是虔誠的猶太人,我甚至不帶圓帽(Kipa)的,但聽著,在那些時刻,我意識到了一些東西。 」

他說,「你經常聽到有人問,二戰大屠殺期間,神在哪裡? 10月7日,神在那𥚃?我想告訴大家,不要再問大屠殺時,神在哪裡?10月7日,神在那𥚃?祂一直都在。但是我們在哪裡?」


我們不該再把一切歸咎於神。出了問題就問祂在哪裡?不如偶爾問問自己,我在哪𥚃?我為何不能離神更近一些?因為他偶爾會拍拍我們的肩膀説,「嘿,我當時也在那裡。你在哪裡?我一直都在!  你去哪兒了?」



編輯組特區: 以哈戰爭中的神跡(十二) – 感恩的神奇大能 – 為凡事謝恩

日期:2024年1月14日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

今天,我們要分享的是加沙戰爭中的一個令人難以置信而又及時的故事, 由拉比沙拉姆. 阿魯什(Shalam Arush)講述。 這是一個關於感恩、對更高力量的信仰以及有時事情發生的原因超出我們所理解的故事。

有一位以色列婦女在開車回家的漫長旅途中,收聽了沙拉姆·阿魯什在廣播中播放的「Emunah」的節目。 Emunah 的字面意思是對上帝的信仰,而沙洛姆·阿魯什拉比正在講述感恩的重要性,他說一切都是上帝賜予的,一切都是美好的。他講到感恩如何引發奇跡般的拯救。

後來在家裡吃晚飯時,這位女士告訴家人她廣播中所聽到的。 她解釋說,在生活中遇到困難時,感謝上帝表明一個人相信上帝對他的愛是無止境的,感恩會使嚴厲的審判和法令失效。她的女兒們於是互相說,如果是這樣的話,那我們就應該開始在每次炸彈警報響起時感謝上帝。 她們住在離加沙邊境很近的地方,所以每次聽到導彈爆炸,她們都說以後我們應該說感謝。

幾天後,停火了,他們一家三週沒有出過門了,於是決定去公園郊遊,呼吸一下新鮮空氣。 公園裡空無一人。一家人在地上鋪上毯子,打開野餐所預備的午餐。 同時,他們討論了對上帝的信仰和感恩。

突然,他們發現小女兒不見了。他們都跑往不同的方向去找她。 在妻子身邊的丈夫聽到她在喃喃自語:感謝上帝,我的女兒不見了。 她的丈夫說,恕我直言,在我們的女兒不見了,這個緊張的時刻,妳為什麼要說感謝上帝?

炸彈警報器開始鳴叫。 每個家庭成員都慌忙躲避。母親再次說,感謝上帝發出警報,感謝上帝讓我女兒失蹤;她把這一教訓牢牢記在了心裡。 但她的丈夫卻責備她說,這次你做得太過分了。 我見過屬靈兮兮的樣子,但這一次是最誇張的。

突然,他們聽到一聲巨響。 一枚導彈正好落在他們野餐的地方爆炸了。 地上不是毯子和食物,而是一個燒焦的彈坑。 他們發現自己的小女兒被嚇壞了,在他們停放的汽車後面嗚咽著。 如果不是她跑開了,迫使全家人分散開來尋找她,導彈就會在他們身上爆炸。 家裡沒有人再和母親爭吵。 他們都開始說感謝上帝,即使他們不明白,為什麼有些事情的發生是為了更好的結果。



編輯組特區: 以哈戰爭中的神跡(十一) – 靜默的神蹟 

日期:2023年12月30日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

我想和大家分享一個我剛剛聽到的故事,這個故事發生在 10 月 7 日那個可怕的日子,地點在一個叫斯德羅特(Sderot)的城市。

那天早上他們在自己的猶太教堂祈禱。 沒多久,他們開始聽到警報聲和所有的喧鬧、混亂和噪音,他們就都跑回家了,感謝上帝,猶太教堂沒有受到任何傷害。

過了幾天,當他們能夠回到猶太教堂查看監控攝像錄影時,他們在早上7點左右看到了非常可怕的一幕。 在會堂的幾英尺外,他們看到恐怖分子抱成一團,互相交談。 然後,他們注意到一名恐怖分子離開了那群人,走向猶太教堂,把耳朵貼在建築物上,試圖聽些什麼。 然後他又回到了自己的小組。另一個恐怖分子走了過來,也把耳朵貼在猶太教堂旁邊,試圖聽些什麼。


當恐怖分子把耳朵貼在建築物上,試圖聽些什麼的時候,他們試圖探查猶太教堂裡是否有人,以便對其進行攻擊。 但恐怖分子什麼也沒聽到,所以他們認為猶太教堂裡根本沒有人。 猶太教堂裡的所有人都幸免於難,感謝上帝,所有人都得救了。

在加沙發生了太多的故事,我忍不住要與大家分享,有太多的故事讓我們看到了上帝的手。上帝允許戰爭發生, 因為有時,正是通過戰爭,我們才意識到上帝之手。 正是通過戰爭,我們看到了令人難以置信的奇妙故事,發生在十月七日大屠殺中幸免於難的人們身上。


以哈戰爭中的神跡(十) – 黑暗中的光 – 薩皮爾-科恩(Sapir Cohen)的神奇故事

日期:2024年1月5日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

編輯小記: 薩皮爾-科恩(Sapir Cohen)是尼爾奧茲(Nir Oz)集體農場(基布茲)的居民,在哈馬斯的囚禁下度過了 55 天。薩皮爾勇敢地分享了她被綁架的令人不寒而慄的細節,講述了她被囚禁的前前後後、在磨難中支撐她的祈禱的力量以及發生的意想不到的轉折。

幾個月前,我感覺有什麼不好的事情就要發生在我身上。 我確信那是某種疾病,可能是需要治療的。 的確,他們在我身上發現了某種病毒,我還找到了詩篇中的一章,他們建議我在一個月內每天讀這一章,而最後一天正是10月7日。 每天我都誦讀這篇詩篇,漸漸地我注意到這詩篇的內容並不是關於治療,而是關於戰爭,關於上帝幫助我。

我在想,我為什麼要這樣禱告? 綁架前的星期五,我對我的男友說:「好吧,我們明天就去。」他回答說:「薩皮爾(Sapir),這次我不想去。」我堅持並告訴他, 「薩沙(Sasha),我們不能取消,」他說:「薩皮爾,我不知道為什麼,但我不想去。」儘管如此,我還是堅持了下來,並,很遺憾地,說服了他。

6:30 時,我被前所未有的轟鳴聲驚醒。 幾秒鐘後:「紅色警報!紅色警報!」我們在火箭彈的轟鳴聲中站了起來。 躺在那裡,像沙丁魚一樣擠在牆邊。 大約兩小時後,我男友的媽媽發來信息: 「貝里(Be’俄日)有恐怖分子。」 貝里距離我所在的尼爾奧茲(Nir Oz)只有15分鐘車程。 一陣恐慌襲來,我開始顫抖,恐懼讓我汗流浹背。 我用毯子把自己裹起來,把床蓋在身上。

幾分鐘後,我聽到,「真主至大!」的喊聲。整個基布茲爆發出一片混亂、尖叫和騷亂聲。人們在砸東西,並大喊大叫。在恐怖分子 「真主至大!」的喊聲中,基布茲居民被殺或被槍擊。就在那時,我明白了這詩篇的另一層意義。 我在重復地祈禱。

我想到他們很快就會衝進來,不分青紅皂白地向我開槍。 他們強行打開門,走進來。 我能聽到我的男朋友大喊:「放開我,放開我!」他們把我從被子𥚃翻了出來。 我意識到我最好還是站起來走。 於是,我起身離開了這裡。 最後我和我男友分開了。不幸的是,從那以後,我再也沒見過他。 他們把我弄上摩托車後一秒鐘,我還看到了他跑開了。我確定他在這裡等我。他們把我送上摩托車,和兩個恐怖分子一起拍了那張著名的照片。 我們開始了到加沙的旅程,我看到了許多平民前來對我拍照。 看著那些相機,我總是抬著頭。 我告訴自己,至少當我父母看到時,他們會明白這是我,我被綁架了。 我們進入加沙。

每個人都在尖叫。 有些人拿著棍子,有些人拿著香煙。 他們走近我,大喊大叫,開始打我。 我開始用手自衛,然後,他們把一件衣服套在我頭上,試圖保護我,讓我能活著到達那裡。 從那時起,我就非常樂觀。 我總是微笑,總是笑著。

有一天,我看到一名恐怖分子畫了一支紀念蠟燭,上面寫著「薩皮爾」。 我很生氣,因為我以為我已經在那裡跟他們建立了某種聯繫。 我問他,「為什麼?為什麼寫我的名字?」他對我說:「我不喜歡妳,妳是我的敵人,我不喜歡妳,但妳在這裡的時候,就有了光。」我看著他,心想:「親愛的上帝,我居然是從一個恐怖分子那裡聽到這的!」


那作惡的,就是我的仇敵,前來吃我肉的時候,就絆跌仆倒。 雖有軍兵安營攻擊我,我的心也不害怕;雖然興起刀兵攻擊我,我必仍舊安穩。有一件事,我曾求耶和華,我仍要尋求,就是一生一世住在耶和華的殿中,瞻仰他的榮美,在他的殿裡求問。因為我遭遇患難,他必暗暗地保守我,在他亭子裡,把我藏在他帳幕的隱密處,將我高舉在磐石上。(詩27:2-5)



以哈戰爭中的神跡(九) – 上帝的保護傘

日期:2023年1月3日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

上帝告訴我們,每個人都被視為整個世界,因此,猶太民族的任何傷亡都是一場重大悲劇。 我們希望並祈禱不要再死一個人。但與此同時,儘管 10 月 7 日及以後發生了如此多的悲劇,我們還必須感謝上帝仁慈地保護了數以千計的生命,這些生命在正常情況下也本應成為這場大屠殺的一部分。

當時有 3000名恐怖分子,他們都手持武器,每個人都可能殺死數十人。 即使這些恐怖分子每人殺死一個人,也會使死亡人數幾乎是實際人數的三倍。 即使在一片混亂和恐怖之中,上帝仍在那裡保護著那些本應繼續生活的人們。

在 歐法基(ofakim),恐怖分子來到一個有 500 人在祈禱的猶太教堂,那裡沒有人有任何彈藥。 然而,他們並沒有進入猶太會堂,而是轉身去了 4 分鐘路程外的米舍哈基分(Mishor Hagefen)社區,那裡住著很多警察。 這是40名全副武裝的恐怖分子首先發生衝突的地方。 感謝上帝,那裡的警察擊退了恐怖分子,他們後來再也沒有去過那個猶太會堂。 在恐怖分子的衣物中發現的地圖顯示,猶太會堂實際上是他們的頭號目標。 我還聽說過一個類似的故事,一家學院裡的 500 多名學生也奇跡般地獲救了。

一名戈蘭士兵說,他們只有30人,每人只有幾發子彈,卻能殺死100 多名彈藥充足的恐怖分子。 他們的子彈沒有一顆打偏。 每一顆子彈還擊中了不同恐怖分子的頭部。

在加沙危險的戰鬥中,士兵們報告了他們親眼目睹的無數奇跡。 一名指揮官在給父親的信中說,他們親身眼看到了上帝。 敵人向我們投擲手榴彈,但沒有爆炸。他說,在加沙,50 名士兵坐在一起吃飯。 其中一名士兵在玩槍,誤射了幾顆子彈。 士兵們害怕了,都跳起來保護自己。 然後他們環顧四周,發現誤射的子彈最終打死了一名剛從附近地道出來的恐怖分子。

還有許多其他故事在流傳,一個比一個更神奇。 每一步都有上帝的參與,恐怖分子沒有任何力量。 只有上帝決定一切。我們不明白為什麼會有人死去。 上帝的計算考慮到了整個世界的歷史和未來。 我們只是在這裡做客一小段時間,我們非常感激,因為我們始終在祂的手中。 雖然我們為每一個人的死亡而哀悼,但我們也非常感謝上帝賜予我們的所有奇跡和救贖。



以哈戰爭中的神跡(八) – 上帝之手拯救以色列士兵的鮪魚故事

日期:2023年12月18日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

這也許是以色列發生的最不可思議的故事之一。 幾天前,著名記者伊茲查克·霍洛維茨(Yitzchak Horowitz)剛剛加入加沙的一個士兵營。

一天清晨,他們在一起祈禱,甚至還帶了一個妥拉卷軸。其中一名軍官問能否被叫到妥拉前,這樣他就可以誦讀《戈梅利祝福》,即感謝上帝救了他們性命的祝福。 禱告結束後,他走到伊茲查克·霍洛維茨面前,說:「你無法想象我們經歷了多少奇蹟, 但這個最神奇。」

他說,我們暫停在一個叫波沙提(Poshati)的難民營裏,坐在那裏吃午飯。我不知道你們有多少人知道這一點:  以色列軍隊的標準食品之一就是這些油漬鮪魚的小罐頭,那幾乎難吃到不能吃。那麼士兵們通常會怎麼做?(當然戰時不會這麼做。) 他們會拿一根火柴,把它放在小罐子裏,點着油來勳鮪魚。 這對當過兵的人來說都再平常不過了。

這名士兵從過去就習慣了這樣做,他拿出他的小鮪魚罐頭,往裏面扔了一根火柴,整個罐頭就燃燒起來。 他旁邊的一個人對他說:「你瘋了嗎? 這裏有實彈,你不能點火。」他慌了,拿起鮪魚罐頭,儘可能扔得遠一點。不知道鮪魚罐頭飛了多遠,可能幾百英尺,然後落地了。 突然,一聲巨大的爆炸聲響起,所有士兵迅速拿起槍,瞄準爆炸點,開始射擊。

當槍聲暫停時,他們看到一面白旗從地面下升起。 一名哈馬斯恐怖分子、武裝分子舉起雙手,一大羣人跟在他後面。

原來,這名士兵着火的鮪魚罐頭落在了一條隧道的洞口內。哈馬斯恐怖分子正等着從隧道裡出來,射殺這個營的士兵。罐頭落在了他們有彈藥的地方。 於是彈藥爆炸了。隧道裡的哈馬斯恐怖分子以爲以色列人下來了。 他們不想被炸死,於是高舉雙手衝了出來。上帝再次顯靈,以最神奇、最非凡的方式拯救了他們。上帝之手太令人難以置信!


以哈戰爭中的神跡(七) – 揭開奇蹟的面紗

日期:2023年12月18日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻

我想與你們分享一個令人難以置信、極大而又可怕的故事,這個故事剛剛從加沙傳來,作者是拉比 查伊姆·扎伊德(Rabbi Chayim Zayeed)。他昨天剛剛發佈了這一消息,這是一個了不起的故事。上帝真的存在! 感謝上帝!

他們剛剛審問了一名被以色列國防軍抓獲的哈馬恐怖分子。 他們對他進行了審訊,以便找出更多信息,試圖解救人質並摧毀殺害以色列國防軍士兵的陰謀, 以打贏這場戰爭;這是贏得戰爭的戰略的一部分。

他們審問到這名哈馬恐怖分子,他在10月7日負責指揮一整組恐怖分子。他的任務是去一個叫提夫拉赫(Tifrach)的地方,這是以色列南部靠近加沙邊境的一個城市、社區或基布茨(Kitbutz)。 我相信你們中的許多人都聽說過這個叫提夫拉赫(Tifrach)的地方,這是一個衆所周知的小鎮,有一個非常大的Yeshiva(宗教機構),有將近800名學生,甚至更多。 這是一所世界聞名的神學院。 很多拉比和學者都在這裏學習。

這名恐怖分子打算在妥拉節( Simchat Torah,即10月7日)闖入基布茲,攻破提夫拉赫的城門,然後進入城內,消滅樓內的所有人。 這名恐怖分子翻看了他在襲擊當天隨身攜帶的包,他們看到他的包裏有當天的日程安排,也就是該機構的妥拉節節日程安排。 他清楚地知道10月7日的晨禱時間,什麼時候舉行節日儀式,什麼時候進行第二次祈禱,什麼時候進行下午祈禱,什麼時候在學校院裡用餐。 我不知道這個恐怖分子是怎麼得到這些資料的,但他掌握了當天蒂夫拉赫學校學生的確切時間表。

不僅如此,他還有一張學院的地圖,以及猶太學校前後門的確切位置。 他的計劃是向每個入口派出五名恐怖分子,儘可能多地殺死大樓裏的猶太人。 但感謝上帝,他的計劃沒有成功,這名恐怖分子被捕了。

負責審訊的IDF將領向拉比講述了這個故事。當這位將領在審訊這名恐怖分子時,他問這恐怖分子:「你爲什麼不闖進猶太學校? 是什麼阻止了你像佔領其他城鎮一樣佔領這個城鎮?」這個恐怖分子回答將軍說:「當我在提夫拉赫社區的大門口時,我看到了我本應攻擊的學校,但我看到大樓頂部冒出了火光和濃煙。 我想,『我爲什麼要浪費時間呢?』我告訴我的人,『我們還有其他地方可以攻擊。我們不要浪費時間了,因爲我看到很多火,很多火焰從大樓裏竄出來,所以我離開了』」。

這位將軍親口告訴查伊姆·扎伊德拉比,這就是那個恐怖分子告訴我的:他看到火焰和濃煙從提夫拉赫學院裏冒出來;因此,他們沒有襲擊那座建築。我們都知道這完全不是事實。 當時學生們正在跳舞,向上帝祈禱和唱歌,並沒有發生任何火災。但這位恐怖分子作證說,他們本來計畫要襲擊這所學校,但看到火焰從大樓裏冒出來。

查伊姆·扎伊德拉比說,這是一個令人難以置信的故事。這是真正的屬靈之火。火從大樓中噴湧而出,從聖經中噴湧而出,從大樓中學習的聖經中噴湧而出,從妥拉節的舞蹈中噴湧而出,從800名學生在一棟大樓祈禱中噴湧而出。這些恐怖份子看到的火光是一個神蹟,這火就是聖經之火,是神話語的火。每一次我們學習聖經,每一次我們禱告,都會給世界帶來巨大的改變。 如果我們戴上正確的眼鏡,就會看到屬靈的火焰,火從《聖經》中噴湧而出。多麼不可思議的故事。上帝真的存在!


以哈戰爭中的神跡(六) – 拯救整營以色列士兵的白鴿 & 防彈的信心

日期:2023年12月11日   來源: Stories to Inspire 視頻(1) & (2)


最後,我想告訴大家一個發生在加沙戰爭中的不可思議的故事。 我是從我的兄弟那裡聽說的。他在以色列開辦了一所學校,名叫 Yisod,綽號「最後一站」。這個小組被派往加沙。

此時加沙已經被清空,留下的只有最惡劣、最危險的恐怖分子。 他們坐等著繼續與以色列作戰。 聽聽這位指揮官怎麼說。 這位指揮官說,他接到的命令是進入加沙的某個街區。

當時,你必須明白,當一座城市陷入黑暗,變得像一座鬼城,簡直成了戰場本身時,你必須感激這樣一個事實:周圍什麼都沒有,甚至連動物都沒有。 你知道,動物有第六感,研究多次表明,當危險來臨時,它們已經知道,早已跑掉了,無處可尋。火山和颶風事件中都證明這一點。從動物和它們的反應來看,它們對危險和即將發生的危險有一種感知,甚至在危險發生之前。

加沙沒有任何動靜。 沒有人,沒有動物,什麼都沒有。這個排的以色列士兵和這個突擊隊隊長站在隊伍前面,進入這個空曠的街區。 以色列情報部門獲悉,在這個街區的一個地下室裡,藏匿著最大的爆炸物之一和C4炸藥,被用來對付以色列。 他們的任務是以某種方式潛入這個街區,找到藏匿爆炸物的樓房、房屋和地下室,然後將恐怖分子一網打盡,並引爆和解除他們身上的所有爆炸物。

你可以想象這是一個什麼樣的任務,這是一個生死攸關的任務。指揮官說,他已經將近36個小時沒合眼了,他甚至很難看清前方幾英尺的距離。他必須不停地眨眼睛,以確保視力正常。他們進入了這個空蕩蕩的街區,前面是一位指揮官,他的身後有一個人,手搭在他的肩膀上。 在他身後,還有一個人的手搭在他的肩膀上。 在他身後,還有一個人的手搭在他的肩膀上。 就這樣,他們手搭著肩,一個一個地走過街區,簡直就像一個整體,就像一條鍊子連在一起,試圖找出恐怖分子可能跳出來襲擊他們的任何方向。

他們非常安靜地走過這個街區。當他們開始走過這條空街時,指揮官突然看到了不可思議的一幕:有只白鴿從一座建築的屋頂上飛了下來,而這座城市的動物們早已不見蹤影。 這只白鴿直接飛落在街道中央,彷彿就在指揮官和他的一排以色列士兵面前。 然後更瘋狂的是,這只白鴿降落在半空中,就在指揮官的面前,它搧動翅膀,在空中盤旋。 指揮官看著這只鴿子,眨了眨眼睛,似乎想確認自己是不是產生了幻覺。 他知道自己已經36小時沒睡了,但這似乎不太對勁。那只鳥看起來就像漂浮在半空中一樣,他不知道發生了什麼。 於是,他開始用步槍槍尖向前傾斜,想用步槍輕觸那只鳥。 就在他快要碰到那只鳥的時候,身後的人把手搭在了他的肩膀上,把他拉了回來。 這是讓他不要再往前走的信號。

指揮官沒有動。 他愣住了。 然後,當他再看一眼時,就明白了為什麼。 當他的眼睛重新聚焦時,他看到這只白鴿並不是在半空中盤旋漂浮,而是落在了橫跨整條街的一根非常細的電缐上。 如果他再多走一步,就會被那根電線絆倒。 後來才知道,那根電線連接著足夠多的 C4 和炸藥,可以炸毀整個街區和所有以色列士兵。

他回頭看著那只鴿子,彷彿那只鳥也回頭看著他一樣。那只鴿子飛走了,整個排的人都得救了。 我們不知道今年會發生什麼,但我們知道,每次上帝都會派一隻小白鴿飛到那些危險的地方,對我們說:「睜開眼睛。 看看正在發生什麼。 看看有什麼正在向我們襲來。 現在不是維持現狀的時候。 我們需要做出反應。 我們需要在信息中得到警醒。以色列國民,現在是禱告的時候了。」⋯


10 月 7 日,23 歲的廸維爾·費雪(Dvir Fisher)在亞洲聽說了以色列發生的事情。 回到家後,他便坐上飛機,旅行了6 天,以便與部隊裡的兄弟們會合。 他被派往加沙,在那裡經歷了殘酷的戰鬥。 不幸的是,他的脖子中了一槍。 當地醫護人員穩定了他的傷勢。他被直升機送往醫院,起初他被注射了鎮靜劑,無法做什麼,但最終他們確定他已經沒事了。 他甚至不需要做任何手術。正如他自己所描述的那樣,子彈射入了他的左側頸部。 子彈穿過他的脖子,從脖子右側射出,甚至沒有傷到任何東西。 有那麼多關鍵部位可能會受傷,但奇跡發生了,沒有傷到任何一個關鍵部位,迪維爾相對地安然無恙,毫髮無損。

更神奇的是,當子彈從他脖子右側射出時,直接撕破了他的裝甲背心,但他卻毫髮無損。 這是上帝創造的奇跡。曾為我們的先祖創造奇跡的上帝再次降臨,為迪維爾創造了奇跡。 願我們都能在特別的光明節期間經歷到自己生命中的奇跡。


以哈戰爭中的神跡(五) – 加薩主日學 – 𝟴𝟳𝟭+𝟴「五大聖誕神蹟」

日期:2023年12月7日   來源: 基督教今日報


有!在神凡事都能!就在這裡 – 加薩主日學,上週日,一群以色列士兵,為一群巴勒斯坦的小孩守衛站崗,使所有人能聽見耶穌的故事,有一半的人們舉手決志、讓耶穌成為生命救主,並發出了最美的歌聲〈奇異恩典〉。從加薩發出愛與詩歌聲,見證所有的禱告和幫助,成就了這個聖誕神蹟!

據媒體報導,以哈衝突已造成加薩地上千人無辜喪命,當中三分之一是孩童,據統計指,每15分鐘就有一名兒童死於砲火下,他們都還來不及長大……在這個大多數百姓想逃離、連神兒女都哭喊撐不住,可謂形容地獄的地土,有一團隊,渴望把「天堂」帶來:大都會國際兒童事工(Metro World Child)的「加薩主日學」,已經於戰後持續開辦第七週了!

在這個「每15分鐘就有一名兒童死於砲火」的處境下,困苦、死亡、眼淚從未中止,但,希望的種子同時不斷種入孩子們及大人的心田。身處戰火、哈瑪斯威脅夾雜的生死存亡艱難下,因著創辦人比爾威爾森(Bill Wilson)牧師和其團隊,仍然沒有放棄搶救靈魂,帶著堅定使命,他們並不畏懼「那能殺身體不能殺靈魂的」,數小時前,又帶來了與神同行的新進展。








這件事本身就是一個神蹟。」 比爾牧師感恩述說。




「難以想像…… 對吧?」








主日學結束後,有將近500位孩子和家長留下來,為Rena舉行葬禮;Rena就是上週被槍殺身亡的志工媽媽。眾人圍繞在簡陋墳墓旁,是同工前一天挖好的墳墓,就位於主日學附近廢棄建築的地下室。大都會的團隊沒有太多東西能安葬Rena,但,若真心想尊榮一個人,總會找到辦法。有個小男孩,用鉛筆在一小片紙上畫了朵花,並將其放在Rena的墳墓上。所有主日學的孩子開始唱起〈奇異恩典〉,這是他們在主日學中學的詩歌。此刻,從加薩所發出的詩歌聲,比任何時候更顯寶貴! 這真的是個「奇異」的恩典。


所有的禱告和幫助,成就了這個聖誕神蹟 「我猜,沒有任何新聞媒體會報導這些故事。」比爾牧師表示,以上就是他試著要和大家分享出來的故事。至今,比爾牧師都仍在消化上週日發生的事情,更遑論去完全體會當中一切的真意。

「我可以確定的是,你們的禱告和幫助,成就了這個聖誕神蹟。雖然我嘗試表達,但真的是言語難以形容。所以只能再說一次『謝謝你們』。」真的非常感謝主 !也請繼續為服事團隊,當地孩子、家長以及Mary代禱。


讀到這篇我熱淚盈眶…無以言喻,只有淚水! 感謝比爾牧師的分享,這捨命的愛、分享的愛,871+8人真實地聽見、看見、回應了,這是聖誕的意義,活生生的見證成為一篇令人永生難忘的信息! 真是驚人(的見證)!上帝仍然在使用世界各地單純、微小、謙卑的人,執行祂的工作。 神是如此的信實。即使在這些如此艱難的環境下,上帝仍然掌權、動工,見證祂的榮耀! 在戰區中神所做的事,實在太美了!聽到巴勒斯坦人與以色列人,在戰爭時刻的和平行動,如此鼓舞人心。 感謝主,在如此毀滅性的處境中,賜下如此強有而力的神蹟,而耶穌正使用小瑪麗(Mary)教導我們祂的愛!


以哈戰爭中的神跡(四) – 與上帝的盟約

日期:2023年11月30日   來源: 激勵人的故事視頻

編輯小語: 在本篇扣人心弦的親身經歷中,作者分享了 2023年10月7日在自己的家中與恐怖分子對抗的驚心動魄的故事。在一片混亂中,上帝眷顧著他和他的家人,所發生的奇跡非同尋常。以下是翻譯自他的分享視頻。

我和妻子育有 4 個孩子:兩個女兒(6 歲和 14 歲)和兩個兒子。 只有一個兒子受過軍事訓練。

恐怖分子開始向我們開槍時,我們都在家裡。 我和我的兒子(受過軍事訓練)向他們開槍還擊,我讓我的另一個兒子用身體掩護其他家人。 這樣的槍戰持續了三個小時之久。

後來,我聽到他們在外面倒汽油,準備點火。 我對兒子說:「聽我說,我們是要決一死戰的,聽明白了嗎?」他說,「好的,爸爸。」在我的腦海裡,我下定決心,寧願死,也不願被抓去迦薩,如當年的馬蕯達戰役一樣。

再後來,我聽到恐怖份子喊著,「Allah Akbar!」,意思是阿拉是偉大的。 我告訴兒子這是個好兆頭,因為當阿拉伯人說這句話時,就意味著他們要死了。 他們通常會在死前喊這句話。

沒多久,他們就離開我們。 我們打開窗戶,讓空氣進來了。大概 20 分鐘後,有一以色列小隊來救我們。

我可以用兩個詞來形容: 我是一個重生的人,就像我昨天才出生一樣。 世界對我來說是新的,所有人對我來說都是新的。 我像嬰兒一樣,對每個人微笑。 這就是我的感覺,我想親吻每一個人,抱抱每一個人;我想和每一個人說話。我不再是過去的我了。⋯

在槍戰中,我曾與上帝有些對話。 「我是個壞人嗎? 為什麼這事會發生在我身上?」上帝告訴我:「別擔心,我的孩子!我和你在一起。別擔心,無論發生什麼,我都和你在一起。」「為什麼?因為你呼求我。」

在院子裡, 我們找到了 8 雙鞋,他們似乎排成一排脫鞋祈禱後,然後就離開。

後來我問一個阿拉伯人:「你們什麼時候會在戰鬥中脫鞋祈禱?」他回答说:「當我們看到無法解釋的超自然現象時。 當這裡有什麼東西的時候,當有一種神聖的力量的時候,我們就會離開。」我太震驚了。

我來到里內-萊錫安,找到一位雜貨店老闆。 我看到他戴著猶太小帽,就對他說:「我需要一些建議,哪裡可以找到?」他告訴我,「附近有個猶太會堂。」我就去了馬西亞諾猶太會堂。 我上了二樓,看到兩個人正在學習托拉。 我告訴他們,「我在找你們。」他們看著我,心裡大概想著:「這個瘋子是誰?」我加入他們,不斷地提問,他們也一一作答。 他們為我澄清了這一事件。 通過研究發現,《申命記》是一份契約,類似於標準的租房協議。 這種契約可以追溯到 3500 年前,明確規定了各種條件:「如果你遵循我的道路,你將得到上天的甘霖和地上的豐收」。 它還引述了不這樣行的後果。這就是跟上帝的盟約⋯


以哈戰爭中的神跡(三) – 戰爭下的加薩現嬰兒受洗潮

日期:2023年10月17日  來源:基督今日報(Christian Daily) 







聖波菲里奧斯發言人卡邁勒·艾亞德(Kamel Ayyad)向「世界基督教協進會」表示,若戰爭恐奪走嬰兒生命,希望能將孩子獻給主,使之能以基督徒的身份離世。







聖地之友執行長布倫丹·梅特卡夫(Brendan Metcalfe)告訴以國總理,戰爭對加薩的基督教社群產生巨大影響,數千人在教堂和大院中尋求安慰。


談到聚集在希臘東正教教堂的人們,梅特卡夫說:「他們基本上為所有未受洗的人施洗,這樣他們就可以在被殺時,確定自己是基督徒。所以,這是一個非常可怕的情況。 」





基督教教授兼復活耶穌公司總裁麥克‧利康納(Michael Licona)表示,他收到一份來自巴勒斯坦「地下基督教事工」的報告,當中詳細分享「奇蹟般的轉變」。







以哈戰爭中的神跡(二): 36名以色列士兵奇蹟生還

日期:2023年11月6日   來源: 激勵人的故事視頻

編輯小語: 本篇是從激勵人的故事」的油管視頻摘要翻譯的。


他說:當他走進去時,他看到所有的指揮官都坐在那裡,他們的臉色蒼白,就好像剛剛發生了一些可怕的事情!!他們只是抱著頭,大大地驚嚇著!- 他很困惑?!他問他們發生了什麼事?- 因此,他們讓他在螢幕上看了無人機從上空拍攝的視頻,視頻顯示三輛納梅爾裝甲運兵車 (Namer tank),是運輸士兵的坦克,每輛可容納12 名士兵,這三輛納梅爾裝甲運兵車 (Namer tank) 同時被反坦克火箭擊中而爆炸著火!—這讓他們知道:這意味著 36 名士兵剛剛失去了生命。

所有的指揮官都坐在那裡思考著:這是怎麼發生的?三輛坦克同時被擊中是怎麼發生的?他們要如何上報這一消息?我們永不該在一天之內告知36 名士兵的家人,說:你們的家人死了。我​​們將如何採取下一步行動?…





以哈戰爭中的神跡(一): 隧道口的救命猶太拉比(天使)

日期:2023年11月6日   來源: 激勵人的故事(Stories To Inspire) 視頻 中譯:  Joshua

在以色列全境 現在一直有神蹟發生。在以色列全境 現在一直有神蹟發生。以下是兩則鼓舞人心的故事:
















一個年輕的軍人,他幾個月前入伍只為了跟他兄弟在一起。他們在黎巴嫩遭遇槍擊,於是他們奔跑,想進入一個房子躲避。然而當他們靠近門口的時候有一位身穿黑衣的老婦人坐在門口,她看起來像是個阿拉伯婦人。就在他們靠近時,這個老婦人轉過身來告訴他們:「這不是你們要躲避的房子,這裡是一個死亡陷阱。」他們看著這個老婦人,想著: 「也許這個老婦人只是坐在那,為了要設計陷害我們。」










前一陣子,台灣發佈了最後撤離⋯⋯ 弟弟妹妹都選擇留下,因為有一位上帝比這個世界更大,不論什麼的情況,我們都可以倚靠祂。所以我們心裡沒有害怕不論面對任何的處境。我們能做的最有功效的也是以色列最需要的就是向以色列的神,亞伯拉罕、以薩、雅各的神禱告,祂的名叫耶和華。



Editorial Special Section: Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (14) – God’s Divine Providence Saves Platoon of IDF Soldiers From Hamas Ambush Attack

Date: February 8, 2024   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

In the heart of a tense and perilous situation, Rabbi Yitzchak Sakhai recounts a harrowing episode that unfolded in the shadowy depths beneath Gaza. As tensions escalated, a group of IDF soldiers found themselves unwittingly perched atop an intricate network of tunnels, poised for a potentially devastating attack.

The narrative unfolds with a shocking revelation captured on an underground camera belonging to the enemy forces. Soldiers, at rest after days of intense operations, suddenly become aware of their precarious position through a timely intelligence alert. Urged to evacuate immediately, they make a silent escape into the unknown, guided solely by the uncertain knowledge that danger lurks beneath.

As the soldiers retreat to a safe distance, the clock ticks towards a perilous hour. In the dark early morning, a figure emerges from the underground abyss, inching closer to the very tents where the soldiers had rested mere moments before. Swift action ensues, gunfire erupts, and the intruder is swiftly neutralized.

However, the true miracle unfolds at that very moment – a colossal explosion rocks the underground tunnels. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they had unwittingly escaped a meticulously planned trap, set to unleash devastation and casualties upon them. The soldiers, now safe but shaken, recount the events with gratitude for the divine intervention that spared them from the brink of tragedy.

In the aftermath, their testimonies reveal a profound humility, as none attribute their survival to strategic prowess or intelligence operations. Instead, a collective acknowledgment emerges – this was a Miracle, an unmistakable act of divine providence. The story becomes a poignant reminder that, in the face of uncertainty and danger, faith and gratitude pave the way for extraordinary protection.

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Editorial Special Section: Miracles in the Israel-Had War (13) – “Unexpected Miracles” God is always there!

Date: January 14, 2024   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

I wonder what it would take for a Jew to occasionally realize that God is tapping him on the shoulder and telling him, “Hey, I’m right here.”

I watched a video about a police officer who was called into action during the terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7th. In his own words, he was a secular Jew. He had been partying all night the night before, so he got up very late. When he woke up, he was woken up by his wife who was looking at his mobile phone. Due to the large number of message notifications pouring in, the superior officer called him to come for backup.

He got in the car and drove straight south. Carrying his only weapons with him, his personal weapons were two pistols and some ammunition. He and his friends are trapped behind a wall. Finally, they ran out of ammunition; Hundreds of gunmen opened fire on them, hurled grenades at them and fired rockets at them. In his own words, “I felt that this was the last moment of our lives. We had no chance to come out of the hiding place to find the guns on the ground. I had to pick up the guns from other corpses.” They were trapped there. . He said his friend turned to him and said, “Listen, if we make it out alive, I’m going to keep the Sabbath.”

What happened next is truly inexplicable. Just as he spoke, twenty or thirty seconds passed, and then, the gunshots that were originally very close could be heard starting to move away from them.

Now comes the craziest part. He said, I myself do not keep the Sabbath, nor do I keep the law, but I believe in God. But my friend, this man, in his own words, even grilled meat on Yom Kippur (the day of fasting). He has absolutely nothing to do with religion or God. But the friend turned to him and said, “I’m going to start keeping the Sabbath.” It was quite shocking, but a few seconds after he said that, we noticed the gunman’s voice was getting farther and farther away, Until they miraculously leave them alone. They were still in the middle of a gunfight, but they just left.

He said that several weeks had passed and his friend still kept the Sabbath, even though it was quite difficult for him. And he and his family began to keep the Sabbath. He took off his hat and said, “Look, I’m not a religious Jew, I don’t even wear a kipa, but listen, in those moments, I realized something.”

He said, “You often hear people ask, where was God during the Holocaust in World War II? Where was God on October 7th? I want to tell everyone, stop asking, Where was God during the Holocaust? October 7th , Where is God? He is always there. But where are we?”

He said, I suddenly had an insight and suddenly realized, why don’t we think so? Why don’t we think that God occasionally says, “I’m here, where are you? I told you where you were supposed to be, and you didn’t go where you were supposed to be. I’m always where I said I would be .”

We should no longer blame God for everything. When something goes wrong, ask Him where He is? Why not ask yourself occasionally, where am I? Why can’t I get closer to God? Because he would occasionally tap us on the shoulder and say, “Hey, I was there. Where were you? I was always there! Where were you?”

I think this is an important wake-up call. May God help us to hear His call at any time and never need to wake us up with stories like this again. May praise be to God forever, Amen!

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Editorial Special Section: Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (12) – The Miraculous Power of Gratitude – Thanking God Under All Circumstances

Date: January 14, 2024   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

Today we’ve got an incredible and timely story to share from the Gaza War told over by Rabbi Shalam Arush. It is a tale of gratitude, belief in a higher power and how sometimes things happen for reasons beyond our immediate understanding.

There was an Israeli woman who was on a long drive home in her car,  listening to one of Rabbi Shalom Arush’s Emunah broadcasts on the radio.  Emunah literally means faith in God, and Rabbi Shalom Arush was speaking about the importance of gratitude, that everything is from God and that it’s all from the good. He was speaking about how gratitude triggers miraculous salvations. 

Later at home during dinner, the woman told her family what she heard from the

broadcast.  She explained how thanking God for life’s trying difficulties shows

that a person believes that God loves them with no bounds, and that gratitude nullifies stern judgments and decrees. Her daughters then said to each other if that’s the case then we should start thanking God every time the bomb siren goes off.  They live close to the Gaza border, so every time we hear a missile exploding, they said we should say thank you again.  

A few days later, there was a ceasefire the family had not  been out of the house for 3 weeks, so they decided to have an outing at the park and breathed some fresh air.  The park was absolutely empty. The family spread a blanket on the ground and unpacked their picnic lunch.  Meanwhile,  they discussed faith in God and gratitude.  

Suddenly, they saw that their little daughter was missing. They all ran in different directions to look for her.  The husband who was near his wife heard her mumble, thank you God that my daughter is missing.  Her husband said in all due respect, why in the world are you saying thank you that our daughter is missing in these tense times? 

The bomb sirens started wailing.  Each member of the family scurried to cover.

The mother once again said, thank you God for the siren, thank you that my daughter is missing.  She did a great job internalizing that lesson.  But her husband scolded her, saying, this time you’ve gone too far.  I’ve seen exaggerative spirituality but this takes the cake.  

All of a sudden, they heard a loud boom.  A missile landed and exploded exactly where their picnic lunch was.  Instead of the blanket and the food, there was a scorched crater in the ground.  They found their little daughter frightened and whimpered behind their parked car.  Had she not strayed away and forced the whole family to spread out looking for her, the missile would have exploded right on them.  No one in the family argued with the mother anymore.  They all started saying thank you God,even when they didn’t understand,how something was for the best.

This story shows us how everything God does is truly for the best but even when we don’t see how things are for the best,like they ultimately did, we must , nevertheless, believe that they are and thank God accordingly

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Editorial Special Section: Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (11) – Silent Miracles

Date: December 30, 2023   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

I want to share with you a story that I just heard that happened on October 7th on that horrible day in a city called Sderot.

There was a synagouge that was praying at the time.  On that morning of the

holiday, they were praying in their synagogue.  Only afterwards did they start hearing the sirens and all the chaos and all the mess and the noise, and they all obviously ran home and bar thank God, the synagogue was not hurt at all.  

Afterwards, after a couple of days, when they were able to go back to the synagogue and look at the security cameras, they saw something very scary at around 7 a.m.  They saw a group of terrorists down the block walking closer and closer to the synagogue, where they were praying.   And then, a few feet away, they saw the terrorist cuddled in a group, talking to each other.  And then they noticed one terrorist leaving that group, walking towards the synagogue, putting his ear by the building,  trying to listen to something.  And then he goes back to his group, and another terrorist walks over, also puts his ear next to the synagogue, trying to listen to something.  

What happened was they figure out that at that exact minute, when the terrorists were putting their ears by the synagogue, trying to listen to something, the congregants of the synagogue found out at that moment, they were in the middle of praying the silent prayer, which is the quiet prayer that we pray in the morning prayer on the mornings, which means at that moment, the synagogue was so quiet, you couldn’t even hear a pin drop,  because nobody spoke in the middle of prayer and they were so quiet.  

When the terrorists put their ears by the building, trying to listen to something, they were trying to find that is there was anyone even in that synagogue to attack it.  But the terrorist didn’t hear anything, so they thought nobody was even in the synagogue.  And everybody in the synagogue were spared, and thank God all are saved.  From here, we learn the power of keeping quiet in the synagogue.  The power of not talking in the middle of prayer.  

There are so many stories that are coming out of Gaza that are happening that I can’t stop myself but share it, there are so many stories we see the hand of God. 

There are many answers, but one of the answers that the commentaries give is thank you, God for the wars.  Because sometimes, unfortunately,  it’s through the wars that we realize the hand of God.   It’s through the wars that we see unbelievable crazy stories, divine Providence stories that happened to people that were spared through the October 7th Massacre.  

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Editorial Special Section: Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (10) – Light in the Darkness – The Miraculous Story of Sapir Cohen

Date: January 5, 2023   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

Editor’s note: Sapir Cohen, a resident of the Nir Oz kibbutz, spent 55 days in Hamas captivity. Sapir courageously shares the chilling details of her abduction, recounting the ins and outs of her captivity, the power of prayer that sustained her through the ordeal, and the unexpected turns that took place.

Several months ago, I felt that something bad was about to happen to me.  I was convinced it was some kind of illness, probably medical in nature.  Indeed, they found some type of virus in me, and I found a chapter in Psalms, which was advised to read daily for a month, with the final day being October 7th.  Each day I recited this Psalm, gradually noticing its words weren’t about healing , it speaks of war, and of God helping me. 

I wondered, why am I praying this? What war am I seeking salvation from?  On the Friday before the kidnapping, I said to my partner, “Okay, we’ll go tomorrow.”  He replied,”Sapir, I don’t want to go this time.”  I insisted, telling him “Sasha, we can’t cancel.”  He said, “Sapir, I don’t know why,  but I don’t want to go.”  Despite this, I persisted and, regrettably, convinced him.  

At 6:30, I wake to booming sounds like I’d never heard before.  Seconds later, “Red alert, red alert”, we got up, amidst a barrage of rockets.  Lying there, packed together like sardines against the wall.  After about 2 hours, his mother messaged: “ There are terrorists in Be’eri.”  Be’eri is just 15 minutes from Nir Oz, where I was located.  Panic set in.  I began to tremble, sweat pouring from fear.  I wrapped myself in a blanket, and put the sheet over me.  

Then, after a few minutes: “Allahu Akbar!”  Chaos erupted throughout the kibbutz, screams, and turmoil.  People were breaking things.  Yelling, whether the terrorists shouting  “Allahu Akbar!” , or the kibbutz residents getting murdered, getting shot at.  It was then when I grasped the meaning of my prayer.  I was praying repetitively.  

The thought that soon they would burst in and indiscriminately shoot me crossed my mind.  They forced the door open and entered.  I could hear my boyfriend yelling, “Get off me, leave me be.”  They rolled me out of my blankets.  I realized it was better for me to get up and walk.  So, I got up and left the place.  We ended up separated.  Unfortunately, since then, I haven’t seen him.  A second after they got me on the motorcycle, I saw him. Running away.  I was sure he was waiting for me here.   They put me on the motorcycle, and took the famous picture, with two terrorists.  We started the journey and I saw lots of civilians who came to take pictures of me.  I looked at the cameras, all the cameras.  I was always with my head held high.  I told myself at least when my parents see, they’ll understand it’s me, that I’ve been kidnapped.  And we entered Gaza. 

Everyone was screaming.  Some had sticks, some had cigarettes.  They approached me, they shouted, they started to beat me.  I started to defend myself with my hands.  Then, they put a shirt over my head and tried to protect me so that I would arrive there alive.  I was very optimistic from that moment.  I was always smiling, always laughing.  

One day I saw one of the terrorists drawing a memorial candle and writing ‘Sapir’ on it.  And I got upset because I thoughtI had already built some connections there.  And I said to him, “Why? Why did you write my name?”  And he said to me, “ I don’t like you.  You are my enemy, I don’t like you.  But when you’re here, there’s light.”  And I looked and thought, “Dear God, I heard that from the terrorists.”  

I forgot to say, but here’s part of the prayer I prayed.  To make you understand how unrelated it was to healing:When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident. One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.”(Psalm 27:2-5)

The entire chapter speaks of war,  and thank God, I was saved.

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Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (9) – God’s Umbrella of Protection

Date: January 3, 2023   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

God tells us that every person is considered like an entire world and therefore any

Casualty in the Jewish  nation  is a major tragedy.  We hope and pray that not one more person will die.  At the same time, although there has been so much tragedy

on October 7th and beyond.  We must also appreciate the kindness of God  protecting thousands of lives that in the normal way of things should have also been a part of that massacre. There were 3,000 terrorists all armed with weapons that could have killed dozens of people each.  Even if each one of those terrorists killed one person,  that would have made the numbers almost triple to what they actually were.  Even amidst the chaos and horrors, God was there protecting those whose lives were

In Ofakim,  the terrorists got to a synagogue with 500 people praying and nobody there had any ammunition.  However, instead of entering that synagogue, they turned around and went to Mishor Hagefen,  a neighborhood 4 minutes away, a place where a lot of policemen live.  That was the first place that the group of 40 fully armed terrorists had the confrontation.  And thank God, the police there were able to fight off the terrorists and they never went to that synagogue afterward.  Maps were found in the terrorist’s clothing showing that the synagogue was actually their number one target there.  I heard a similar story with over 500 boys in an institution also being saved in a miraculous way.  

One of the Golani soldiers said that they were only 30 people with just one cartridge each and they were able to kill over a 100 terrorists who were fully equipped with ammunition.  Not one bullet of theirs missed its target.  Each one hit a different terrorist in the head as well.  

During the dangerous fighting in Gaza, the soldiers have reported numerous miracles that they have witnessed with their own eyes.  One of the commanders wrote to his father that they are seeing God openly.  The enemy is throwing grenades at us and

they aren’t exploding.  He said, a group of 50 soldiers sat to eat in Gaza.   One of the soldiers was playing with his gun and mistakenly shot a few bullets.  The soldiers got afraid and all jumped to protect themselves.  Then they looked around and saw that the accidental bullets ended up killing a terrorist who had just come out of a nearby tunnel.

There are numerous other stories circulating, each one more miraculous than the next.  God is involved every step of the way.   No terrorist has any power.   Only God 

decides what happens.  We don’t understand why anyone has to die.  God has calculations that take into account the entire history of the world and beyond.  We are only guests here for a small pocket of time and we are so thankful that we are always in His hands.  Although we mourn the death of every individual, we are also so thankful for all of the miracles and all the salvations that God is giving us.  

May we see them culminating in the coming of the Messiah and the redemption soon.

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Miracles in the Israeli-Hamas War (8) – The Tuna story of the Israeli Soldiers Saved by the Hand of God

Date: December 18, 2023   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

Here is perhaps one of the most incredible stories that have come out of Israel.  It was said by Yitzchak Horowitz, a well-known journalist, who just a few days ago attached himself to a battalion of soldiers in Gaza.

Early one morning, they prayed together and they even had a Torah scroll. And one of the officers asked if he could get before the Torah, so he could recite the Gomel Blessing, the blessing where one gives gratitude to God for saving their lives.  After prayer, he went over to Yitzchak Horowitz, and he said, you can’t imagine how many miracles we experienced.  But here’s the one that takes the cake.  He says we are temporarily stationed at the refugee camp called Poshati, and we’re sitting there eating lunch.   

Now I don’t know how many of you know this, but one of the standard issues in the Israeli Army are these little cans of tuna and oil. They’re barely edible.  So what do soldiers usually do? Not in wartime, though. They take a match. They put it inside of the little can. The oil catches on fire and it smokes the tuna.  This is standard to anyone that’s been in the army.   

This soldier is so used to doing this from the past, pulls out his little can of tuna, he throws a match inside of it, and the whole thing flares up.  One of the fellows next to him says to him, “Are you out of your mind?  There is live ammunition here, you can’t light fires.”  And he panics, and he takes the can of tuna, and he throws it as far as he could. The tuna went, I don’t know,  a few hundred feet and it landed.  And all of a sudden, there’s a tremendous explosion.  All the soldiers quickly take their guns, and they aim it at the spot where the explosion is, and they start shooting at it.    

When there was a lull in the shooting, they saw a white flag coming out from underneath the ground.  A Hamas terrorist, the militants, with his hands up in the air, and a whole bunch of them follow through. It turns out the soldier’s can of tuna that was on fire landed inside of the opening of a Tunnel, where Hamas terrorists were waiting to come out and shoot this battalion and kill them. It lands where they have live ammunition.  The ammunition explodes. The Hamas terrorists in the tunnel assume that the Israelis are coming down.  They didn’t want to be killed so they came out with hands in the air. Once again God came through and saved them in the most miraculous and remarkable way. Unbelievable,  unbelievable expression of the hand of God.

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Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (7) – Miracles Unveiled

Date: December 18, 2023   Source: Stories to Inspire Video

I want to share with you an unbelievable, tremendous and scary story at the same time that just came out of Gaza from Rabbi Chayim Zayeed. He just publicized it yesterday and it’s a tremendous story. God literally exists. It’s unbelievable.  Thank You, God.

Right now, they just interrogated one of the Hama terrorists that was caught by the IDF.  So they take him into interrogation in order to find out more information to try to save the hostages and destroy plots of killing IDF soldiers in order to beat the war. It’s part of the strategy of winning the war.  So as they’re interrogating this specific Hama terrorist, who was in charge of a whole group of terrorists on October 7th.  And his job was to go to a place called Tifrach which is a city, a community or a Kibbutz at the south of Israel near the Gaza border.  Now many of you I’m sure have heard of this place called Tifrach, which is a known town that has a very big Yeshiva(religious institution) of close to 800 students, or even more.  It’s a world famous Yeshiva.  A lot of rabbis and scholars learn in this institution. 

This terrorist was to break inside the kibbutz to break the gates of Tifrach, the city and go inside on Simchat Torah(October 7th) to wipe out anyone in the building.  Now this terrorist went through the bag that he was carrying with them on the day of the attack and they saw in his bag that he had the schedule of the day of the Holiday Simchat Torah in the institution.  He knew exactly when the morning prayer was on October 7th in the institution.  He knew when they’re having the holiday ceremony, when they are having the second prayers, when they’re having afternoon prayers,

when they’re having the meal in the institution.  I don’t know how this terrorist got it but he had an exact schedule of where the institution’s students are going to be that day in the institution of Tifrach.   

And more than that, he had a picture of the building and exactly where the front door and the back door of the Yeshiva are.  His plan was to send five terrorists to every entrance and their plan was to kill as many Jews as possible in the building.  But obviously thank God, his plan did not go through at all and this terrorist got arrested and caught and now he’s being interrogated. The general in charge of the interrogation that told the story to Rabbi Chayim Zayeed, asked the terrorist, “Why did you not break inside the Yeshiva?  What stopped you from taking over this town like you did with all the other towns?  This is  the question of the general of theIDF, who was interrogating the terrorists. And the terrorist answered the general, “As I was by the gate of the community of Tifrach, I saw the institution that I was supposed to attack the building, but I saw fire and smoke coming on top of the building.  And I thought, “why should I waste my time?”  I told my people, the terrorists, “We have other places to attack. Let’s not waste time with this building,  because I see a lot of fire, a lot of flames going out of the building and therefore I left.”

This General Rabbi Chayim Zayeed told the story, and said this is what the terrorist told me: he saw flames and fire coming out of the institution of Tifrach.  So therefore they did not attack the building. We all know that was totally not the reality.  The students at the time were dancing with Simchat Torah and praying and singing to  God and there was not any fire. But the terrorist testified that he saw flames coming out of the building and he had a plan to attack the institution.  What stopped him is because he saw fire coming out of the building.  Rabbi Chayim Zayeed said this is an unbelievable story. There was literal spiritual fire. There was fire coming out of the building out of the Bible, being learned in that building, out of the dancing of Simchat Torah, out of the prayer of 800 students in one building. The fire that the Arab saw was an open miracle.  The fire was the fire of the Bible. The fire of the commandments was coming.  The spiritual fire that was coming out of that building at that moment, every time we learn the Bible,  every time we pray, it really makes a huge difference in the world.  If we had the right glasses on, we will see the flames of spirituality. We will see fire coming out of the Torah. What an unbelievable story. God literally exists and we have the merit to serve him as much as possible.

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Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (6) – The White Dove that Saved an Entire Battalion of Israeli Soldiers & Bulletproof Faith

Date:December 11, 2023   Source: Stories to Inspire

The White Dove that Saved an Entire Battalion of Israeli Soldiers

I want to end by just telling you an unbelievable concept that took place at that time, in the war of Gaza.  I heard this from my brother who runs a school in  Israel,  called Yisod, nicknamed 「the last stop” who was actually one of the guys in his school,  who is one of the commanders of a very elite group. And this group was sent into Gaza.

And this was a point where Gaza already was cleared out and the only people remaining were only the worst and the most dangerous of terrorists.  They were sitting and waiting to continue fighting the war against Israel.  And listen to what this Commander says.  This Commander says that he was given the orders to enter a certain block in Gaza.  Now at that time, you have to understand, when a city goes dark and it becomes like a ghost town and it literally becomes the battlefield itself, you have to appreciate the fact that there’s nothing around, not even the animals.  You know, the animals have a six sense and studies show this many times that in the impending danger they already know that they’re running off and they’re nowhere to be found. They’ve seen this by volcanoes, they’ve seen this by hurricanes, where from the animals and their reaction, they have a sense for danger and pending danger, as even way before it takes place.  

There was nothing moving in Gaza.  No humans, no animals, nothing. And here was this platoon of Israeli Soldiers with this Commando, the head commander, standing in front of the group, entering this empty block.  Israeli intelligence were told that on this block, in one of the basements, was one of the largest stashes of explosives and C4 that was being used against Israel.  And their mission was that they were going to somehow or other Infiltrate the block,  find out which building, which house, which basement the goods were being stashed and to be able to take out the terrorists, and to be able to detonate and to disarm them from all these explosives. 

You can imagine what type of mission this was, literally a life and death mission.  And the commander says that he hasn’t slept in close to 36 hours.  and it was hard for him to even see a few feet in front of him.  He was constantly blinking, making sure that he had proper vision.   And there they entered this empty block. In the front, there was a commander, holstering his life right behind him.  There was a man behind him with his hand on his shoulder.  Behind him was another man with his hand on his shoulder.  Behind him was another guy with his hand on his shoulder.  And this is the way they went down the block, arm in arm,  one at a time, literally as one one unit, as a chain all linked together, trying to come up with any direction that the terrorists may jump out on them. And they walked very quietly down this block. 

As they started coming down this empty street, the commander suddenly saw something incredible.  This white dove comes flying off the roof of one of the buildings in a city where the animals have been long gone.  This white dove flies right down in the middle of the street as if it’s coming in front of the commander and his platoon of Israeli soldiers.  And then to make matters even more crazy, this white dove lands in midair, right in front of the commander’s face, and it flaps its wings and hovers right in the air.  And the commander’s looking at this bird and he’s blinking as if to try to make sure he’s not hallucinating.  He knows he hasn’t slept in 36 hours, but this doesn’t seem right.  And the bird literally looks like it’s floating in midair, and he just can’t make out what’s going on.  So with the tip of his rifle, he starts leaning forward to nudge the bird with his rifle.  And just when he was about to touch the bird, the guy behind him with his hand on his shoulder pulled him back.   And that was a sign not to take another step.

The commander didn’t move.  He froze.  And then, when he took a second look, he saw exactly why.  As his eyes refocused, he saw that this white dove wasn’t hovering and floating in midair, but rather it landed on a very thin trip wire going right across the entire street.  If he would have taken one more step, he would have tripped that wire.  Later to find out that that wire was connected to enough C4 and explosives to blow the entire block with all the Israeli soldiers.  

He looked back at that dove as literally the bird looked back at him. The bird flew off and the entire platoon was saved.  We don’t know the trip wires that are coming at us this year, but we do know that every time God sends us a little white dove that lands on those little dangerous places and screams to us, 「Open your eyes.  Look what’s happening.  Look what’s coming at us.  This is not a time to be status quo.  We need to react.  We need to get the wakeup call in the message. Nation of Israel, this is a time for prayer.

Bulletproof Faith

On October 7th, Dvorak Fisher, age 23, was in Asia, when he heard about what had transpired.  Back home, he got on a plane and traveled for 6 days so that he could rejoin his brothers in the army.  He was sent to Gaza, where experienced brutal fighting.  And sadly, he took a bullet to the neck.  The local Medic stabilized him . He was choppered to the hospital, where initially he was sedated and kept out of commission. But eventually they determined that he was just fine.  He didn’t even need any surgery . As he illustrates, the bullet entered his left side of his neck.  It went through his neck and it exited the right side of his neck without even injuring a single thing.  There’s so many critical areas that could have been injured but miraculously,  not a single critical area was injured and Dvir came out relatively unharmed and unscathed. 

What’s even perhaps more remarkable is that, when the bullet exited the right side of his neck, it tore right through his armored vests, yet nothing happened to him.  God makes miracles, the one that had performed miracles for our forefathers came through again and performed a miracle for Dvir.  May we all experience miracles in our own lives during the special Chanukah time.

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Miracles in the Israel-Hama War (5) – Gaza Sunday School – 𝟴𝟳𝟭+𝟴 “Five Miracles of Christmas”

Date: December 7, 2023   Source: Christianity Today

In a world under the flames of war, tragedies are constantly being staged. Can we sing the triumphal song of miracles?

With God all things are possible! Right here – Gaza Sunday School, last Sunday, a group of Israeli soldiers stood guard for a group of Palestinian children so that everyone could hear the story of Jesus. Half of the people raised their hands and decided to make Jesus the savior of their lives. , and sang the most beautiful song “Amazing Grace.” The sounds of love and song from Gaza, witness all the prayers and help that made this Christmas miracle possible!

According to media reports, the conflict between Israel and Kazakhstan has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Gaza, one-third of whom are children. According to statistics, one child is killed by artillery fire every 15 minutes, and they have not had time to grow up… In this land where most people want to escape and even the children of God cry out and cannot hold on, which can be described as hell, there is a team eager to bring “heaven”: ” Gaza” of Metro World Child “Sunday School” has been running for the seventh week since the war!

In this situation where “a child is killed by gunfire every 15 minutes”, hardship, death, and tears never stop, but at the same time, seeds of hope continue to be planted in the hearts of children and adults. In the face of life-and-death difficulties compounded by war and the threat of Hamas, founder Pastor Bill Wilson and his team still did not give up on saving souls. With a firm mission, they were not afraid of “the one who can kill.” The body cannot kill the soul”, which a few hours ago brought new developments in our walk with God.

Follow the sharing below and enter into the miraculous story under the tragedy of war, which is currently unfolding…

Week 7 after the war: 𝗠𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗔𝗚𝗘, 𝗠𝗜𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗟𝗘 and little girls 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬

Gaza Sunday School, which has been operating in the local area for more than eight years, opened its seventh week after the Israel-Kazakhstan war. 𝟴𝟳𝟭 Palestinians and 𝟴 Israeli soldiers attended the Metropolitan Sunday School .

Last Sunday, at the last Sunday school of the semester in Gaza, an unimaginable miracle happened.

Miracle 1: Half of the people raised their hands and accepted Jesus as their Savior

This weekend, everyone cried, ” literally everyone, “ Pastor Bill said, and he wanted you and me to know why, extending an invitation: Let the stories of this weekend speak to your heart in person .

Although telephone contact was inconvenient during the war, local co-workers would call Pastor Bill every two days. Because things were changing rapidly during the war, Pastor Bill would try to contact them every other day and pay close attention to the local situation. According to local co-workers, the Sunday school team preached the message “Jesus died on the cross for us” to 871 Palestinian children and parents in an open space half the size of a football field. Half of the people raised their hands and accepted Jesus as their Savior .

” This incident itself is a miracle. “ Pastor Bill said with gratitude.

Miracle 2: Israeli soldiers stand guard over Palestinian children so that everyone can hear the story of Jesus

At that time, co-worker Han was very attentive in preaching, holding the cross made of wood from the previous days and teaching object lessons. But suddenly he noticed that there were eight Israeli soldiers behind him, standing on two bombed buildings. An Israeli patrol commander came over to talk to Han and said, ” Keep doing what you have to do, we will protect you, and you will be fine.”

This group of Israeli soldiers stood guard for these Palestinian children so that everyone could hear the story of Jesus.

“It’s hard to imagine… right?”

Miracle 3: Soldiers are not allowed to cry during the war, but maybe they still have tears? 

After Sunday school, several volunteer mothers helped distribute bread and water, which was a time to celebrate Christmas. No one gave instructions, so several mothers took some leftover bread and distributed it to the eight Israeli soldiers.

The little girl Mary sat in Han’s mother’s arms throughout Sunday school. Mary picked up the bread she had just been given and began to eat it in small bites. In the past few days, Mary’s appetite has gotten better, but she is still very weak. At the moment, Mary watched Han’s mother distribute the bread to the soldiers. Then, she quietly took Han’s mother’s hand and pulled her towards one of the soldiers. In order to attract the other party’s attention, Mary pulled up the soldier’s pants, and then used her small hands to hold half a piece of bread and give it to him. The soldier accepted it, patted Mary’s head gently with his hand, and then turned away with tears in his eyes.

” We all know that soldiers are not allowed to cry during war, but maybe they still have tears? “

Miracle 4: No matter what hardships the little girl experienced during the war, she was still willing to care about others 

Mary, a quiet, thin person, tried to express her gratitude to the soldiers in her own way. At this point, the war is no longer the focus, the focus is this sick little girl, no matter what hardships she has experienced, she is still willing to care for others.

Miracle 5: All the Sunday school children started singing “Amazing Grace” 

After Sunday school, nearly 500 children and parents stayed to hold a funeral for Rena, the volunteer mother who was shot and killed last week. Everyone gathered around the simple grave, which was dug by co-workers the day before. It was located in the basement of an abandoned building near the Sunday school. The Mets team doesn’t have much to bury Rena in, but if you really want to honor someone, you’ll always find a way. A little boy drew a flower with a pencil on a small piece of paper and placed it on Rena’s grave. All the Sunday school children began to sing “Amazing Grace,” the song they had learned in Sunday school. At this moment, the sound of poetry emanating from Gaza is more precious than ever! This is truly a “strange” grace.

After burying Rena, Han dug a hole in front of the grave, inserted the cross from the Sunday school lesson, picked up a mallet, nailed it into the hole, and fixed it with a few stones. When everyone was about to leave the cemetery, the Israeli commander walked up to Han again and said “Shalom (peace)” to him, and Han responded “Peace to you”; they turned around and left.

All the prayers and help achieved this Christmas miracle. “I guess no news media will report these stories.” Pastor Bill said that the above is the story he tried to share with everyone. To this day, Pastor Bill is still digesting what happened last Sunday, let alone fully comprehending the true meaning of it all.

“What I can confirm is that your prayers and help achieved this Christmas miracle. Although I tried to express it, words are really hard to describe. So I can only say ‘Thank you’ again.” Thank you Lord very much! Please also continue to pray for the service team, local children, parents, and Mary.

𝟴𝟳𝟭+𝟴, behind every number represents every soul cherished by God. After hearing about the miracles and Sunday school happening in Gaza, the body of Christ responded one after another:

Reading this brought tears to my eyes…no words, just tears! Thanks to Pastor Bill for sharing, 871+8 people truly heard, saw and responded to this life-saving love and sharing of love. This is the meaning of Christmas, and the living testimony has become an unforgettable message! What an amazing (testimony)! God is still using simple, small, humble people all over the world to do His work. God is so faithful. Even in these difficult circumstances, God is still in control, at work, and witnessing His glory! It’s so beautiful what God is doing in a war zone! It was so inspiring to hear Palestinians and Israelis act peacefully in a time of war. Thank you Lord for such a powerful miracle in such a devastating situation, and that Jesus is using little Mary to teach us about His love!    

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Miracles in the Israel-Hama War (4) – Covenant with God

Date: November 30, 2023   Source:  Inspiring Stories Video

Editor’s Note: In this gripping personal experience, the author shares the thrilling story of confronting terrorists in his own home on October 7, 2023. In the midst of the chaos, God looked out for him and his family, and the miracles that happened were extraordinary. The following is a translation from his shared video.

My wife and I have four children: two daughters (ages 6 and 14) and two sons. Only one son had military training.

We were all at home when the terrorists started shooting at us. My son (who has military training) and I fired back at them, and I asked my other son to use his body to cover the rest of the family. This shootout lasted for three hours.

Later, I heard them pouring gasoline outside and preparing to light a fire. I said to my son, “Listen, we are going to fight to the death, do you understand?” He said, “Okay, Dad.” In my mind, I made up my mind that I would rather die than get caught. Going to Gaza is like the Battle of Mazuda.

Later, I heard the terrorists shouting, “Allah Akbar!” which means Allah is great. I told my son this was a good sign because when Arabs say this, it means they are going to die. They usually shout this before they die.

It didn’t take long for them to leave us. We opened the windows and let the air in. After about 20 minutes, an Israeli team came to rescue us.

I can describe it in two words: I am a reborn person, like I was born yesterday. The world is new to me, everyone is new to me. I was like a baby, smiling at everyone. This is how I feel, I want to kiss everyone, hug everyone; I want to talk to everyone. I am no longer the person I used to be. ⋯

I had some conversations with God during the shootout. “Am I a bad person? Why is this happening to me?” God told me, “Don’t worry, my child! I am with you. Don’t worry, no matter what happens, I am with you.” Why? Because you called on me.”

In the yard, we found 8 pairs of shoes, and they seemed to line up in a row, take off their shoes, pray, and then leave.

Later I asked an Arab, “When do you take off your shoes and pray in battle?” He replied, “When we see unexplained supernatural phenomena. When there is something here, when there is a divine power When the time comes, we will leave.” I was so shocked.

I came to Riney-Lezion and found a grocer. I saw him wearing a yew, and I said to him, “I need some advice, where can I find it?” He told me, “There’s a synagogue nearby.” So I went to the Marciano Synagogue. I went up to the second floor and saw two men studying Torah. I told them, “I’m looking for you.” They looked at me, probably thinking, “Who is this crazy person?” I joined them, asking questions, and they answered them. They clarified the incident for me. Through research, it was discovered that Deuteronomy was a contract, similar to a standard rental agreement. This contract dates back 3,500 years and clearly stipulates various conditions: “If you follow my ways, you will receive the rain from heaven and the harvest of the earth.” It also cites the consequences of not doing so. This is the covenant with God…

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Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (3) – A Wave of Baby Baptisms Occurred in Gaza During the War

Date: October 17, 2023   Source: Christian Daily

The conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to escalate, but God’s work continues amidst the war!

Locally, the Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza urgently baptized the baby. The parents hoped to dedicate the child to God because if the child unfortunately died in the war, he could die as a Christian; in addition, according to the “underground Christian ministry in Palestine ” ” The report pointed out that hundreds of Muslims saw Jesus in dreams and decided to follow the Savior!

There are also many people who come to the church to seek comfort; may the local church continue to be the Lord’s witness in Gaza and experience God’s miraculous arms in times of trouble and never shorten!

Gaza Church Urgently Baptizes Babies

As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continued to escalate, a bombing on October 19 caused the ancient church hall in Gaza to collapse and 19 Christians who had taken refuge were killed, including three unbaptized babies.

On October 28, the Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza was worried that another attack in the area would kill people, so it urgently baptized nine local babies.

Kamel Ayyad, spokesman for St. Porphyrios, told the World Council of Churches that if war threatens to take away the lives of babies, he hopes to dedicate the children to the Lord so that they can live in Christ. Died as a disciple.

” This is a painful decision, but we have no choice. (Usually) parents baptize their children because they have hope for life and the future, but we baptize our children because we are worried that something bad will happen. We are In war, anything can happen. “

Parents and congregants gathered in the church, where they have been sheltering since the conflict erupted on October 7. More than 150 believers lost their homes and livelihoods and nine children were baptized in a hastily arranged ceremony.

Some congregants described it as a bittersweet joy, as if they were temporarily separated from external things and congratulated each other. This was a unique and wonderful feeling. Although there are still many theological controversies about infant baptism, the main hope is: to dedicate the child to God!

When the days of purification under the Law of Moses were fulfilled, they took the baby Jesus up to Jerusalem to dedicate Him to the Lord. (Luke 2:22)

Hope that the Remaining Churches will Continue to Bear Witness in Gaza

Ayyad said believers undergo baptism because they believe they must maintain their faith under all circumstances. “What else can we do? We hope to pray for us and receive support from churches around the world. More measures need to be taken to protect the remaining 1,000 Christians in Gaza and all Palestinians. We hope that the remaining churches will continue to Witness in Gaza!”

Friends of the Holy Land chief executive Brendan Metcalfe told the Israeli prime minister that the war had had a huge impact on Gaza’s Christian community, with thousands seeking solace in churches and compounds.

Moreover, diseases are on the rise, the local environment is very unhygienic, and basic needs are not being met, which is bound to have a terrible impact on people’s mental health.

Speaking of the people who gathered at the Greek Orthodox church, Metcalf said: “They basically baptized everyone who was not baptized so that they could identify themselves as Christians when they were killed. So, it was a very Horrible situation. ”

Metcalfe further explained that people seek solace in these churches in the hope that they will be viewed as “non-combat areas.”

Supernatural Encounter Between God and the People of Gaza

Gaza’s Christian population has declined significantly over the years . In 2007, about 7,000 Palestinian Christians fled the siege of Israel. Today, there are about 1,000 Christians in Gaza among the 2.3 million people, most of whom are Greek Orthodox Christians.

According to foreign media reports, more than 200 Muslims in Gaza recently saw Jesus in their dreams and asked to follow Him .

Michael Licona, a Christian professor and president of Resurrection Jesus, said he received a report from an “underground Christian ministry” in Palestine detailing “miraculous transformations.”

“God is still at work in the war!” Liconna posted on Facebook to share that the Palestinian underground Christian ministry has helped hundreds of fathers who lost their children in the war, feeding them and moving them to safety.

At the same time, I led people to read the Bible and share the peace of Jesus. Unexpectedly, a miracle happened!

Jesus appeared in the dreams of more than 200 people. People began to learn more from God’s words and asked how to follow Jesus?

These news testify that in times of trouble, miracles can still be seen happening!

(Reference: CBN , reuters , premierchristian.news , newarab )

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Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War (2) – 36 Israeli Soldiers Miraculously Survived

Date: November 6, 2023   Source: Stores to Inspire Video

Editor’s Note : This article is translated from the YouTube video summary of  Inspiring Stories “.

I want to share with you an incredible public miracle that just happened this week:
Rabbi Robert Rosen from Elath is in contact with a commander who is now on a mission in the Gaza corridor, He said:

I have to tell you something, he said that when he walked into the situation room in the morning, all the commanders sat down and discussed the next steps they needed to take in order to find the hostages and the terrorists.

He said: When he walked in, he saw all the commanders sitting there, their faces pale, as if something terrible had just happened! ! They just held their heads and were greatly frightened! – He’s confused? ! He asked them what happened? – So they showed him a drone video on a screen from above, which showed three Namer armored personnel carriers, which are tanks that transport soldiers, each with a capacity of 12 soldiers. Three Namer armored personnel carriers (Namer tanks) were hit by anti-tank rockets at the same time and exploded and caught fire! — Let them know: This means that 36 soldiers have just lost their lives.

All the commanders were sitting there thinking: How did this happen? How did it happen that three tanks were hit at the same time? How do they report this? We should never have to tell the families of 36 soldiers in one day and say: Your family is dead. How will we take the next steps? …

At this time, one of their commanders received a call from a soldier in the tank platoon from the other side. The commander who answered the phone said: Why did you call me now? ! The soldier said: OK! Please listen! This is what happened and it’s crazy!

The rotary tracks on our tank were broken and malfunctioning, so, not wanting to be the ones sitting around, we all jumped out of that tank.
Without us noticing: the second tank behind us saw us jump out, they thought something must be wrong and jumped out of their tank too. The third tank behind did the same thing, and when they saw everyone in the second tank jumping out, they thought something might have gone wrong, and they all jumped out too; by the time we reached safety, three tanks Suddenly the tanks were hit.

This is what the commander said to Rabbi Rosen. The rabbis said: This is the effective effect of all prayer! Please keep praying!

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Miracles in the Israel-Hamas War(1)

Date: November 6, 2023   Source: Stories To Inspire Video Chinese  Translation : Joshua

Miracles are happening all the time throughout Israel. Here are two inspiring stories:

The Life-Saving Rabbi (angel) at The Tunnel Entrance

At Gaza, where the Israeli Golani Brigade has a 25-man unit. Their job is the most difficult in the military. The task is to enter the enemy’s underground tunnel and rescue the hostages.

Israel’s military is different from other armies. When performing a mission, “The commander will charge into battle.” So in this mission, the commander among 6 of the 25 people took the lead in entering a house leading to an underground tunnel and entered the passage, while the others were on guard around the house.

Just fifteen minutes after the six-person group entered the tunnel, the troops outside began to try to contact them. However, the communication failed to work, so they concluded that their colleagues in the tunnel might have been captured by the enemy.

So they were discussing: “Should we go in? Or should we stay outside the tunnel? They didn’t respond to our communications. It seemed like we should go in and rescue them.” Finally they decided to go in, leaving 4-5 people outside. And those who entered expected to have a head-on gunfire exchange.

Just as they entered the tunnel, at the entrance stood a rabbi with a long beard. So the soldier asked the rabbi, “What are you doing in this house in Gaza? “

The rabbi said to them, “You must leave this house now. Otherwise there will be many orphans and widows. You must leave immediately.”

The squad leader replied: “We can’t leave now, we have to enter the tunnel to find our companions.”

The rabbi replied again: “No, you cannot enter the tunnel, you must leave the house, now!”

A soldier next to him said: “You don’t understand the situation. There is our commander inside. Without him, we will not leave. 

So the rabbi blocked the entrance. The soldier said, “Rabbi, I’m sorry, we have to ask you to get out of the way,” and stretched out his hand to push the rabbi away, but his hand went through the rabbi’s body, as if he didn’t exist. Then, everyone standing at the scene couldn’t believe it. They were all thinking, “What are we seeing now? Who is this person? What is going on?” Everyone was shocked.

At this time, the commander came out. It could be that the tunnel was too deep, causing signal problems. We were not sure. But when they came out the rabbi was still standing there. So the commander also asked: “Why is there a rabbi here? What is the situation now?” When the commander tried to push him out of the way, the commander actually passed through the rabbi, and all six people passed through This rabbi (angel) who was talking to them.

Then the angel turned to them and told them, “I am pleading with you now. You must leave this house immediately.”

They were all extremely shocked. There are some relevant things that I won’t mention here in case you don’t believe the story. However, as the angel spoke, it was as if fire came out of his mouth. The angel said, “Now! Leave!” and they all ran out of the house. Then a big explosion immediately occurred in the house, and the power of the explosion rushed into the sky. Everyone present witnessed seeing angels. The whole unit is talking about this. Some people even thought they were crazy. Yet these people said it was the angels who saved their lives.

Warning From the Old Woman at the Door

A young soldier who enlisted a few months ago just to be with his brother. They were being shot at in Lebanon and ran to get into a house to take shelter. However, as they approached the door, there was an old woman in black sitting at the door. She looked like an Arab woman. As they approached, the old woman turned to them and told them, “This is not the house you should try to hide from, this is a death trap.” They looked at the old woman and thought, “Maybe this old woman Just sitting there trying to trap us.”

But the soldier said, “When we looked closely at this woman, right away we knew she was not an Arab woman. Her face looked very holy, sacred.” The woman said, “Listen to me and don’t enter this house.”

So the soldiers ran to another corner. When they turned around, the woman disappeared and a big explosion occurred in the house. This kind of thing spread among them, and they found that the same thing happened in every unit. This same woman was seen by others twenty miles away ten minutes after the incident, and she also prevented other units from entering the death trap.

A Bullet Shot by  Accident

In order to prepare for a sudden attack, the small team fighting in Gaza held the trigger in one hand and food in the other hand during meals, so that they could be mobilized at any time. Suddenly something happened, and a soldier was too nervous and fired the shot. Fortunately, no one was injured. In order to check where the bullet fell, they searched everywhere, and found a tunnel entrance. There was a Hamas man lying at the tunnel entrance with a gun in his hand. On his forehead was a bullet accidentally shot by an Israeli soldier in panic! It was an act of God that saved the entire team from Hamas!

Witness the Effectiveness of Prayer

There was also an Israeli soldier who had religious beliefs. During the battle, his commander asked him to leave his post and asked him to pray. He said that he didn’t know what the situation was, and he was still thinking about the war, but he had to calm down and pray for 15 minutes.

When he returned to his post, the officer was so happy that he gave him a bear hug. Only then did he realize that there was a small group of cars that suddenly couldn’t move. They were on the street. If they didn’t leave immediately, they might be dead if they were discovered by Hamas elements. When they asked for help, the officer was really helpless, but thinking that he believed in God, he asked him to pray. Unexpectedly, while he was praying, the car actually moved, and the small team escaped. That’s why the commander was so happy! Thank and praise God! May there be more miracles and wonders shared to demonstrate God’s wonderful deeds!

I tell you these stories to let you know that this war is not limited to the war between people, there is also a war in heaven, and our prayers are effective. Instead of hitting Israel, 2,500 enemy missiles hit Gaza. We must transcend this perspective and know that all this is done by the Lord. God is coming again, may God keep our hearts.

There are many, many similar things happening all the time. When he heard that the war was about to begin, my brother put on his military boots and returned to Israel. He said he would stand with Israel.

Not long ago, Taiwan announced its final evacuation… My younger brothers and sisters all chose to stay because there is a God who is bigger than this world. No matter what the situation, we can rely on Him. So we have no fear in our hearts no matter what situation we face. The most effective thing we can do, and what Israel needs most, is to pray to the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose name is Jehovah.

Many friends around us enter the battlefield. Many conditions have been fulfilled. The day is really near. God is returning again.

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