異象 Vision

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5784年是進入新門的一年。大家都在期待復興的門、靈魂收割的門打開,卻沒有想到,復興之火可能是被戰火點燃的,心之門可能是被箭砲推開的。回家團隊父老亞設(Asher)牧師、師母和拿撒勒禱告殿拉尼亞(Rania)等以色列家人都在呼召我們華人興起禱告! 亞設牧師說:你們不是為以色列禱告,而是為自己禱告!(請參看有關設立耶路撒冷城牆的信息「城牆上的守望者」)。

面對這樣的禱告呼召,我們怎樣來回應? 當我們一起尋求主的心,聖靈讓我們聚焦以賽亞62章,今年畢邁可牧師和戴冕恩牧師也先後用以賽亞62來呼召為以色列的代禱者(賽62:6-7)和進入中東眾城門的先知性旅程(賽62:10)。我們聽到主的吩咐:

我渴望有晝夜不間斷爲以色列的禱告。現在是時候了!如果不是現在,是什麼時候呢?! ​況且這個24/7晝夜的禱告要持續到耶路撒冷在地上成爲可讚美的 (賽62:7)。這是我所定​的和所要的。讓我的百姓來回應我吧!

主渴望在華人中間設立爲以色列晝夜不停的禱告城牆。這個禱告城牆有什麼特別之處呢? 我們領受主已經給我們家人同行的三個關鍵鑰匙:神的同在、愛與合一(家的連結)、先鋒的呼召:

  1. 神的同在是我們得勝的關鍵。當黑暗遮蓋大地,我們不是與黑暗戰爭,而是讓神的光和榮耀被釋放出來(賽60)! 當大敵臨到,約沙法王設立敬拜隊伍走在最前面歌唱讚美,主親自派伏兵擊殺仇敵(代下20:22)。我們靠著主的寶血合法進入亞伯拉罕的家,也有責任一起參戰,但我們不是參與政治和軍事之戰,而藉著敬拜讚美成為靈裡的先頭部隊,與耶和華軍隊的大元帥進入第三層天的屬靈戰場(約書亞5)。我們跟隨聖靈,用聖餐、宣告、方言、吹角等,住在祂同在中。讓主持續地用以色列的讚美為寶座(詩22:3),直到祂使耶路撒冷成為可讚美的(賽62:7)!
  2. 愛與合一是我們家人同行的恩膏,“合一帶下權柄,團結就是力量!”(詩133。如同尼希米重建耶路撒冷城牆,在自己家門前建造,無論貴冑的家還是平民的家,重點是愛的合一、家的連結!無論是教會的家、天然的家、禱告祭壇的家還是職場的家,一個一個禱告的家心連心在一起,用相反的靈,就是愛與合一,折斷讓亞伯拉罕的家世代分裂的靈和重軛,成就華人字的命定,把兩個打仗的哥哥帶到父的面前!
  3. 先鋒者的呼召要臨到一羣願意回應呼召的關鍵的少數,藉著服事以色列體貼天父的心! 藉著與耶穌良人一起為祂的同胞禱告,讓我們的心與祂的心貼近,家人彼此的心也更深貼近,終能與猶太新婦聯合成為一個新人,預備新郎耶穌的再來!溫哥華命定晨光週六的祭壇特別專設為以色列禱告,今年年底就進入第八年。10月28日恰好是Nicole牧師迴天家一週年的紀念日。她對以色列的摯愛和施洗約翰先鋒者的外袍,必釋放在我們中間,也成為對她最好的紀念!


​GOD TV 的領袖文蒂·艾利克斯(Wendy Alex)見的異象更是印證:現在是耶穌呼召我們,作為神的兒女,興起禱告的時候!

​主使我高高地超越加沙、以色列南部和地中海地區。天上聖天使與與魔鬼在交戰。我看見以色列的天使長米迦勒在耶路撒冷向天使勇士發命令。他站着伸劍在耶路撒冷之上面對魔君。他曾協助加百列在但以理書中與波斯的魔君(今天伊朗的魔君)爭戰。接着主耶穌如戰士一般顯出來,袍子純白色,眼睛如火焰,大聲呼喊:耶路撒冷!耶路撒冷! 祂呼喊並大哭:耶路撒冷! 祂充滿憐憫爲加沙和以色列被俘和受害的哭泣。天使長米迦勒看着耶穌的臉,等待…等待…

​耶穌搖了搖頭,輕輕說:現在還不是我的時間,要呼召我的百姓禱告,呼召我的代禱者禱告!​主說:要超越政治,從靈裡看! 這不是一場政治戰爭! 要吹響號角,讓我兒女們的祈禱聲在加沙和以色列上空迴盪! 束起腰帶,禱告!禱告!禱告! 這是屬靈的爭戰,同心禱告就必得勝! 我親愛的兒女們,禱告吧!禱告!


I Have Set Watchmen on Your Walls, O Jerusalem! (Is 62:6)

5784 is the year of entering new doors.  We were expecting for the doors of revival & harvest to be opened, yet we did not expect that the fire of revival may be sparked by gunfire, and hearts to be opened by missiles.  Family in Israel like Pastor Asher and Rania of Nazareth House of Prayer called for the Chinese to rise up & pray! Pastor Asher said,” You are not praying for Israel, you are praying for yourselves!” (Please see the message on building the prayer wall of Jerusalem

As we sought the Lord together to respond to this call, the Holy Spirit brought us to focus on Isaiah 62, the same chapter which Pastor Mike Bickle used to call the church to pray for Israel (Isaiah 62:6-7) and Pastor David Damian used to lead a prophetic journey through the gates of the Middle East (Isaiah 62:10) earlier this year. We heard the Lord say,

“I want round the clock prayer for Israel, My People. Now is the time to establish this prayer! If not now, when? And let this 247 prayer continue till Jerusalem becomes the praise of the earth! I have decreed it, I have asked for it, so let My people respond!”

The Lord desires to establish a 247 day & night prayer wall for Israel. But what would be so special about this prayer wall? We feel that God has given us three keys in our journey walking together: God’s presence, family love & oneness  and the forerunner calling:

  1. God’s presence is the key to victory. When darkness covers the earth, we do not fight the darkness, but we release the light & glory of God (Isaiah 60)!  When Jehoshaphat sent the worship team at the head of the army, God set ambushes to destroy their enemies.(2Ch 20:22)

Through the blood of Jesus we have become part of Abraham’s family and we have a responsibility to fight with them.  However, we do not fight in the political & military arena; rather, through praise & worship we become the spiritual vanguard & join the Commander of the Lord’s army to enter into the spiritual battle in the third heaven. We follow the Holy Spirit, take communion, make declarations, pray in tongues, blow the shofar & stay in His presence.  May the Lord continue to be enthroned in the praises of Israel (Psalm 22:3) till He makes Jerusalem the praise of the earth (Isaiah 62:7)!

  1. Love & unity are the anointing the family journey carry. “Unity brings authority and togetherness is strength! (Psalm 133) Just like when Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem, noblemen and commoners built in front of their own homes, the key was unity in love & family connection! So whether it’s church family, natural family, prayer altar family or marketplace family, as praying families join hearts and move in  the opposite spirit of love & unity, the spirit and heavy yoke of division that has been over Abraham’s family for generations will be broken.  Then the destiny of the Chinese in bringing the two fighting brothers to the Father will be fulfilled!
  1. The forerunner calling will come upon a critical mass who are willing to respond to His call to serve Israel! As we pray  with our Bridegroom Jesus for His people, our hearts will be joined to His heart & to each other’s hearts, and finally  we will join with the Jewish Bride to become one new man prepared for His coming!  

Vancouver’s Awaken The Dawn Saturday prayer altar is specially dedicated to praying for Israel and it will enter its eighth year at the end of this year.  Oct 28 happens to be the first anniversary of Pastor Nicole’s home going. Her love for Israel and the forerunner mantle of John the Baptist will surely be released among us and become the best memorial for her!

Praise the Lord, through these years of the family journey, the Holy Spirit has given us a precious family that is united and truly loves each other (Ephesians 4:3) From the family of Zion to the Renewal Family and Prayer Altar family in Vancouver, from the North America family to the Global Chinese family, the Holy Spirit has led us step by step to walk in love & unity.  There is a Chinese saying,  you raise an army for a thousand days to use it for one moment. Now is the time. We call the Chinese family, each according to their families, to fight for their brothers, children, wives, and homes (Nehemiah 4:13-14)!

The leader of God TV Wendy Alec has a powerful vision over Jerusalem. It confirmed that it is time for us to rise up and pray: 

​The Lord took me high above Gaza; the South of Israel and the Mediterranean- There was a great movement of Holy Angelic troops in the heavenlies warring ​against hosts of Fallen Angels and demons; then I saw Jerusalem and I saw ​Michael the Archangel- Prince of Israel over Jerusalem issuing commands to his vast host of Angelic warriors. His countenance was fierce and he was standing with his sword drawn over Jerusalem facing a satanic Prince. I knew somehow that this was the same Prince of Persia that the Archangel Michael had assisted Gabriel to fight in the Book of Daniel- The spiritual Prince of Persia ….todays Prince of IRAN. Then the Lord Jesus became visible. He had the stance of a warrior his robes were pure white but his eyes were blazing with fire and he cried out in a fierce voice: JERUSALEM! JERUSALEM! But as he cried… he wept: JERUSALEM! And he was weeping with compassion for the captured and wounded both from Gaza and Israel. The Archangel Michael looked into Jesus face… Waiting… Waiting….Jesus shook his head: It is not yet my time he said softly. Call my people to prayer. Call my Intercessor’s to pray! Look beyond the Political to the SPIRITUAL! SAYS the LORD, This is NOT a war of POLITICS!  Blast the Shofars. Let my children’s prayers resound over Gaza and Israel! GIRD UP YOUR LOINS -PRAY PRAY PRAY!  This is a SPIRITUAL WAR- It will be won by PRAYER. Pray beloved son!  Pray beloved daughter!